i know the guy pretty well. hes a champion. flame him all u want, but i dont think he cares wat u pussy's have to say about him being caught. he was just a bit unlucky that the cops were there waitin for someone to do just wat he did.
he came out of toodyay rd, turning left onto roe hwy.
like earlier was said, its a good place to open her up there, the cops were hiding behind a bush in the middle of the grass island.
with in 300m he was at 200 and the cops were there standing in the middle of the road flaggin him down.
the cops were bored on duty police from east perth who decided to pull up and try catch some speeders! (from east perth... why would they be patroling roe hwy in middle swan???)
say wat ya want about him, but i bet all of u who recon hes a clown have sped ur car over the australian limit of 110km/h b4, and if u tell us u havent, then u shouldn't be drivin ur skyline! they are race cars, and yes i no they are meant for the track but u aint always gonna use it at the track if its license for the road, and its sittin in ur driveway.
the cars a machine!! i've driven it, and it can do well ova wat he was clocked for.
lets just say he was lucky to get clocked at 201.