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Posts posted by GRiM_05

  1. hi all..

    me and a mate of mine where looking at getting into drifting without being arrested or adding a new pole as a hood ornament..

    so we have decided to go halves in an old rolla that we dont really care too much about, to be used on track

    so i have 2 questions:

    1) is the ae82 4 door sedan front or rear wheel ?

    2) where is the closest track / skid pan / etc to the gold coast??

    thanks for any help..

  2. i just remembered an oral i did in legal studies in year 11, on police brutality..

    police ARE allowed to use "important bit, direct quote" REASONABLE NESCESSARY FORCE..

    they key issue with this, is the cop decides what he decides is reasonable / nescassary at the time..

    all im really saying is even if you know they are wrong, dont do anything that may cause unrest, as they have the authority to give you a reasonable nescessary beatdown...

    ( QLD, police powers act )

  3. 2 mates of mine where running pioneer 6x9's, both through amps, and both very bassy.. one was in a barina, the other in a magna sedan..

    im quite a big fan of pioneer, and in both hatch and sedan they seem to go hard... im aware you do not want to go deaf, and without sounding like a smart arse ( as there is no intention ) there is the volume dial..

    basically in untechnical terms, the amp will improve sound quality.. eg clear vocals, decent, but not stupid bass..

    hope it helps in some way.....

  4. not too sure if this will help.. but a mate of mine was pulled up by an undercover mitsubishi 380.. black.. he sent a message to another mate of mine with the license plates included, but i cant remember, will post as soon as i find out..

    for the meantime, no racing black 380's around surfers!!

  5. i cant wait to be out with you lads, im still saving hard for my r32.. im at tugun at the moment, but once in possesion of that, i will be up for just about any cruise around the goldy..

  6. hey, great thread..

    i too have a story to tell, and ask questions about..

    one day, me and 3 mates were driving (i was passenger) to the local shops, literally doin nuthin sus, we were in an 89 rolla, werent speeding / fkn round in any way, werent throwin shit etc etc..

    some cops in a D car tailed us for about half the journey, but made no attempt to pull us over..

    when we eventually got there, and parked, the cops parked us in, and checked all of our ID's.. like took all our details.. and whe a mate of mine asked for a badge they said they didnt have to show us.. when we asked why our details were taken, they said "incase anything unusual happens today, we will be able to contact people who may have been witnesses?? wf, how sus is that..

    so just wonderin like wha could we have done, or if it was to randomly happen again, what could we do??

    also, im readin the qld act posted on page one.. anyone able to give me a section so i dont need to read the whole thing :)

  7. Why the f**k would you mod up your Xbox?

    I mean, I've modded up my sound system, TV and that to have everything plugged together but never have I modded a game system...

    Too much time on your hands, I presume?

    hmm, so youve done all that but i have too much time on my hands?

    hey nice flix with the pc case / neons etc..

    if i had the slightest idea on how to do it id give it a go :)

    yeah mines all chipped up too, im trying to get som snes roms etc on there..

  8. 417869063_l.jpg

    looks better now, like i gave it another coat and cleanes some of the shit from the black.. just cant get a better pic yet mum has the digi overseas..

    pls let me know what u think, or what else i could do to it design wise..


  9. i just finished school, and i swear i probably leant more relevant to lif information in the last 12 minutes then i did in the last 12 yrs :P

    im looking at installing those UV blacklights.. u know the purpley colour that makes white things glow? how do you think they would go in a car with a white interior..

    (project r32, wont start till june :( )

  10. man, that was the best night of my life, i was at my graduation, so i finished school.. forever.. and australia got into the world cup

    its rare to have 2 awesoem things appen at the same time..

    as for viduka, im not gonna comment, its too bad he missed, but i would be glad to have half that guys talent..

    i mean, who else can say they captained australia into the world cup?

    fark.. lol, miss or not, thats an effort!


  11. i have just got full into the gambling side of it, like in the dragon casino thing..

    if only it was like real life.. save ur progress before u go in, and if u lose all ur money, load ur save and try again :D

    but yeah, its a fkn awesome game, theres sooo much to do!

  12. ive never heard rampage hooked up, but from what ive seen (supercheap, 2 12's in a ported box) they looked pretty cheap..

    the rubber around the cone didnt look to good, but that could be due to it being a floor unit and a bunch of f**kwits trying to test the recoil with there palms :(

    so i have judged this book by its cover, but apparently i have made the wrong judgement..

  13. damn, and i thought i was gonna be original with it in my r32, :(

    r33freely, have u heard of pioneers new shallow subs.. the use like a super magnet, and apparently they were made for this very sourt of thing, on the pioneer site they have a review on it, and like how it was designed for utes/cars with shit all space..

    its worth checking it out,

    as for the instillation, id love to help, but i have NFI on how its done :D

    i also would love to see pics posted of anyone who has put this idea into reality...

  14. Firstly, 95% of Indonesian muslims are moderate, and would never become terrorists or give support to terrorists.

    Second, Bali is mainly Hindu and a mix of other religions. The terrorists are usually from the island of Java or other countries such as Malaysia. As the Balinese people rely on foreigners for an income, as well as the fact they are not Muslims make them just as great a target as us westerners.

    Also, making Indonesia into an Islamic state is one of the terrorists goals. Bringing down the Indonesian economy will help this. Tourism from Bali provides lots of revenue for the Indonesian government.

    As well as this, most of the tourists are westerners and most of the locals are non-muslims as well. Therefore bombing Bali kills two (or three) birds with one stone.

    i guess u learn soething everyday, yet at the same time i dont want to go to bali just for the sake of trying to make a terrorists job harder..

  15. what i dont understand is what these arseholes have against us.. it is virtually like that old saying, dont bite the hand that feeds.. us aussies are there main source for income, to put it into perspective, their cheap markets are like our souvenier shops. the only people that shop there are tourists. luckily, we dont rely on this, where as the balinese do.

    im sorry to hear bout ur relis ben, 2 mates of mine (brothers) were over there when the first went off, and had to help pull people out.. i cant imagine what it would have been like.

    as for future travel, no fkn way, ive been once and it wasnt overly appealing, so given the 2 bombings since what possible reason would i want to go there for.. im aware they arent all bad people, but i just dont want to risk it.. its not worth the ten bucks less for the same shit i can buy here


  16. have any of you seen the SEX DR 200 sx.. his front bar is awesome, and like has a compartment for his plates, behind these steel bars..

    fk its cool..

    reason for my asking is if he can have it inside the bumper, why would the side matter? my assumption would be that the side is more visible then inside the bumper..

  17. hey everyone,

    just wonderin what games ur a fan of, which ones suck donkey balls, and which ones u cant wait to be released?

    for those of you with an xbox i highly recommend a game called deathrow.

    i found it yesterday, and i almost had a heart attack, as it is the best fkn game ever, and i have been searching for a copy 4 like a year and a half.

    basically its a future sport/fighting game.

    u win by throwing this disk through the goals, or by beating the absolute f**k out of the other team.. (they cant win if there out cold, can they?:angry:)

    so yeah, anyone else got any comments bout it, or any others that deserve a serious look?

    matt :P


  18. i got all 3, and a few others.. i am a big fan of juiced only due to slip racing, other then that it is virtually outdone by NFSU2 in every way. although, i am a big fan of midnight club 3, as it is more street racing, rather then a racing game that happens to have circuits on a street, by that i mean MC3 is racing throughout a city, with no big gay flashing red arrows on each turn, you choose which ever route u think is the fastest in some races, and in others there will be like some flares or something on the boundaries (a corner after a long straight). the other fav of mine is Forza motorsport, Xbox's answer to GT. main reason why im into it is the fact the have the AE86 sprinter. atm i have it pretty tuned, and of course, a panda paint scheme :angry:

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