Just a quick point on testing standard rods.
Some one mentioned having them checked by x-ray rather than MPI (Magnetic Partical Inspection). To be honest its pointless having the x-ray done, its alot more expensive than MPI or DPI testing and unless correct technique is used it will not show up very very small cracks.
I would reconmend DPI (Dye Penatrive Inspection) Testing. This will show up any cracks or flaws and in my opinion is easier to do than MPI.
The rods are soaked in a dye for a few minutes and then cleaned off using water or a cleaner. A developer spray is then used, this will bring out any dye that remains in cracks or flaws and thus you can tell if the rods will be OK!
I was tempted to use standard rods but I think I will spend the extra cash and have new H Beam rods fitted, they are a good price now.