Old pics, looks quite good there, but needs a tidy up now.
You can almost any manual nissan pivot. When I snapped mine we went through every box at the wreckers and they were all the same. I paid $6 for a 240K one
White with blue pearl.
15" rims with Falken tyres.
1.5L of boxer engine fury with twin IDF dual throat webers.
Gold clover edition.
Sold as is, no rego and no RWC. Needs rear drums replaced and has the usual Alfa electrical gremlins.
Suit an Alfisti or genuine enthusiast.
$5000 OBO.
For sale.
1 Enclosed box trailer. Has a lockable rear door, roof vent and can easily hold tyres rims and tools safely and securely. Can organise pics for those geniunely interested. Located in Brisbane.
$2500 OBO.
So if for example, you had your attessa annoying the shit out of you by transferring way too much drive to the front you could put a "ceiling" on the amount of transfer?