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Everything posted by Squizz

  1. Hating being fooooolly hektik and hating WRX's are different things.
  2. 1) Who are you? 2) Why should I care? Keep it short, the CoR33vette novelty has worn off.
  3. Like Colin, or Richard... I suck at this game.
  4. If I truly left, the world as we know it would cease to exist. I'm trapped in this dimension.
  5. No, not really, you're free to leave.
  6. No, we're married. Seriously though, we just want him out.
  7. To add to the mystery.... "you have PM"
  8. That would make me a motivated seller.
  9. It's a "need" to sell not a "want" to sell. I'll quite happily keep it. Least motivated seller ever.
  10. 12.7 on the previous tune, not been down the strip again on new tune but it ran 1:03 at Norwell.
  11. Number 327 / 400
  12. I don't have a... oh... wait... nevermind.
  13. I'm not gonna lie, not every single post can be plated with gold. This is one of those posts.
  14. Come drive it, I'll cut you a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal. Like "good" herpes.
  15. But we're bonding so well.
  16. We are having a boy, my wife is on leave now sitting at home waiting for the little bastard to come out.
  17. 1) I'd prefer to have ISOFIX mounts 2) I am need of a tow vehicle so 59ANK can be more "social"
  18. Well you've been here now, so that leaves...
  19. Hence the Modena in the daily and the 6 speed in the track car. That is why I am everlasting, and you are not.
  20. I challenge the title "abomination" on the grounds that by definition, an abomination creates strong feelings. The feelings expressed towards the wannabe CoR33vette, although negative, are hardly strong enough to substantiate claim to being classed an "abomination". The level of actual care given is just too low and is more of a passing interest.
  21. All that says to me is you need to meet more drivers LOL I agree that they would be similar around a circuit, but you should have me at the drags. The gearing in my 6 speed is not the greatest for the strip. CoR33vettes are always awesome. In the same way that herpes just doesn't leave, to some people that's pretty awesome.
  22. Just paint the lip of your steelies black, would offer longer life and better performance than Blue Streaks.
  23. Saves him wasting dole money on two tyres at once when you can just swap non-directional Bob Jane All-rounders from left to right.
  24. Smoking 4 tyres > Smoking 1 tyre
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