Initial D is a cartoon inspired by Tsuchiya (ARTA NSX JGTC Driver), it tells the story of how a young boy driving a Trueno AE86 around the winding / mountain roads that he has to deliver Tofu (Family Business) every morning. His skills were honed and trained, while his father keeps a constant look on his progress by having a ¾ cup filled with water when he does his runs to tests his skills.
During this time, he meets "Mountain Racers" and the sport of "Drifting" was starting to pickup in Japan. He races other racers and beats them who cars are more powerful - FC Rx-7, FD Rx-7, R32 GTR, etc. It's simply just a non-fiction story however it did started a great trend of FR drifting in Japan and outside. Thus suddenly the appearance of many AE Sprinters in current times through Cities around the world who are inspired by this cartoon.
This also happens to be the way Tsuchiya became famous, he set the quickest times in public mountain roads and lead him to be a professional race car driver. Today, he is highly involved in the JGTC series, produces car shows (Hot Version, Best Motoring) and thus the infamous "Dori Dori".