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About Nastazia

  • Birthday 12/09/1985

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Gym, boxing, cars, Law, friends, travelling, good times :)

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  • Car(s)
    Black R33 GTS-T
  • Real Name
    Anastazia. Sash for short

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  1. LOL
  2. I did horse riding and A grade volleyball for many years, then quit to focus on dancing (Irish) lol. Lame I know. Competed at state, national and world level but quit when I was 18 - partying was way cooler Been into the gym and boxing for a couple years now but injured my shoulder 4 months ago - need surgery, so gave up the boxing and most gym stuff too. Now I just run most days... fun stuff. Lol.
  3. Legal leg = negligence on his behalf. You paid him, he had a duty of care towards you as his customer - with that comes a certain standard of care that he must uphold. He was in breach of that by screwing up your skirts. So yes to legal leg - try talking to him about it, if it goes nowhere cheaper/easier option for you = insurance claim. My 2c anyway
  4. Ha ha. I only just saw your comment. Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  5. Lol thanks man, it's all good - I was somewhat inebriated also
  6. I'll be there!
  7. Hey guys thanks heaps for the b'day wishes, yay me lol
  8. Happy birthday. I had my 22nd birthday 52 years ago to-day. We share flaking paint jobs, too, apparently!!

  9. lol Nath, the only reason he got so touchy was because you hit the nail on the head - he was soooo gay. Lol. Man if there was an award for best evil looks that dude would definately have taken home the trophy... such a loser. Who were those two girls that came? Quite the mystery.
  10. Lol yea pics are above, didn't get any of you and Lucy though
  11. Lol man I only took like 8 photos the whole night ha ha. I had a great time, thanks for coming guys
  12. I'm surprised he didn't cook you breakfast Dan. Nathan... shame on you
  13. Ozzie aka Francis Butler will now be showing up to my bday in a black evening dress ... should he wear a padded bra?? Have your say
  14. lol nothing... much... *runs HAHA jokes
  15. lol sounds like a plan
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