so i went down to vicroads explained my story, she basically said they can not deviate and must honour what is written on the defect notice, only the officer who issued the defect or someone higher than him can change the defect notice and must write out a new one although i dont think the lady really knew what i was talking about with the vass i think she was just going off what i had said about it, im not going down to the police station to slug it out with this bloke though soooo....
...i called vicroads, gave them my speel, spoke to quite a few people till i finally got through to andrew cruddis (angelo is on holidays so hes caretaking at the moment). i explained to him the police officer did not specify anything to be engineered on the defect so why am i needing to engineer a stock vehicle so he said take your car and get the roadworthy done and tell the inspector to call me directly to have a chat about the car and maybe he can do something about the VASS certificate sooo... goes in tomorrow for roadworthy inspection.
thats progress so far,not sure if im still going to have to clear the defect at denmark street vicroads or not fingers crossed i dont, andrew asked me if i had cut a hole for the front mount, i said it didnt matter as the car does not have airbags from factory, he said it doesnt matter its still a structural part of the front of the car so hopefully i dont have to get that engineered, my roadworthy guy used to own a 32 himself and i think he would be prepared to slug it out about this rule anyway, he said hes just gotta make sure the hole is neatly cut and what not..