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Everything posted by W3asel

  1. Hey fellas im thinking about taking my car to unique auto sports in Castle hill in sydney just want to know if anyone has been there before and the kind of job they do and also the pricing??????? I want a second opinion on my clutch and the cause of the failure and to give it a good check.............. the last mechanic i went to said that where my engine meets the trans the seal is letting in sum oil and dripping on the clutch which burns it out much quicker and also the flywheel........ anyone eva heard of sumtin like this before??????? Thanks heaps guys
  2. thanks guys but its more shit than i though, im gonna get another opinion from another mechanic i know, i saw the flywheel and clutch lets just say it was not pretty at all, as who ever drove this thing in japan did not change the trans oil or service the thing they just thrashed it and dats it
  3. im gonna get my mate to check it out aswell just to make sure the gearbox is not totally screwed, he wasnt home last night wen it happend, so hopefully he can let me know exactly what the problem is, it has always been pretty difficult getting into first within 15min of driving, after that its easier........ the other gears are all fine and have no trouble i just picked it up on friday, ggrrrr
  4. thanks heaps guys just had the mechanic look at it and he rang me he said the gearbox seems fine but the flywheel is burnt to a crisp and the clutch is caput so yerr getting a new flywheel and clutch thank god nothing wrong with the gearbox my driving wasnt too bad, but at the start it was a lil shocking this is going back a few days, and lately it has been good thanks heaps fellas hope to see you on the road
  5. Hey guys Last night i was driving and i heard a loud pop / bang noise and then my clutch was really loose, it was changing gears for a while and then it could not get into first gear but the others where fine and they worked normally anyone have any suggestionss????? as i have been refining my manual driving skills lol i think i might have ended its life, bit of a newbie on some parts of the car help would be much appreciated as to what you guys reckon it culd be im pointing to a blown clutch thanks heapss......
  6. Hey peeps i got a R32 GTS-T and the HICAS light and the battery light is on contantly when driving but after 15min of driving the HICAS light goes off sumtimes due to the heavy duty diff. But the battery light stays on :S does this mean anything, the car starts alright and nothing cuts out, all electronics seem fine and workin well :S :S hhhhmmmmmmssssssss Any help would be appreciated thanks guys
  7. Heyyyy dudesss Does anyone know any good places that do 3 point black wiring immobiliser and alarm systems for a good price???????? in Sydney dnt want any dudes that come to the house and do it, anyone know of any actual shops that have good pricing??????? Help would be much appreciated Thanks heaps
  8. geezzz... we have heaps of IT dudes in here im another one hehehehehe Hmmmm i think skylines are made for IT guys Im kinda in the same shoes as you champ..... finished studying network engineering and CCNA preperation for CCNA exam....bu didnt go for it cus i was lazy lol and now just doing level 1 help desk, until i get my CCNA and experience and then go for a proper network support role..... But yeh bro i feel ya man it is hard without any experience and proper certificates under your belt, these days network engineers with CCNA are applying for level 2 help desk roles, so how are we gonna compete good luck bro hope you pass your test and find a good job
  9. Thanks guys for al the opinoins and help looks like i will be buying it this weekend hehehe cant waiitttttt soo syked ! just wanna hear and feel that boost
  10. thanks guys.... Yeh i dnt really mind about the petorl prices as i know it will cost a little more than any other car, doesnt really bother me as i love em and love the boost hehehe just the whole maintenance and the cost of services....... the last thing i want is to have a R32 sitting in my garage for 1 month waiting for a service cus of lack of money or repairs lol lol Yeh i know wat u guys mean by being young, not like old farts in fast cars with no balls ! hehehe thanks heaps fellas hope too see you guys on the road soon hehehe
  11. Hey guys Im about to purchase a 92 R32 GTS-T and im just a little concerned regarding the petrol prices,on going costs, maintenance and servicing???? Iv luved em ever since i was bout 14 and have been dying to own one (R32 off course) and im about to purchase one but just makin sure im not gonna be watching my car sit in the garage due to petrol prices and also maintenance???? Does it cost heaps to maintain???? Does petrol really kill the cash flow every week???? How easy is it to get rego???? Whats the maintenance like as in cost wise???? Lets say making an average wage say bout 2g'z a month, should be enough i hope ehehehh
  12. Hey guys i been lookin at a few GTS-T R32 skylines and a few of the cars i have seen have about 70,000kms for a 92 and 93 model....which is kinda iffy :s wat are ur opinions on the amount of k's ???? is it possible that they do REALLY have 70,000kms or is it a load of shit ????? the engine bay looks nice and clean doesnt seem like its gone thru hell...... they havnt been drivin in AUS yet, straight of the boat..... any opinions wuld b great.....
  13. i was in a four door R32 GTS-T with apexi exhaust system cat back,pod filter, chip,intercooler where the only add ons........... i luvd the boost straight away like i knew they where awesome machines but once u get in one u just want to have it. We where doin bout 240 on the highway and the thing did not shake rattle rumble nor did the steering wheel shake..........WOW... after that i decided im getting one!
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