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About Flynnn

  • Birthday 01/01/1935

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  1. No common courtesy and respect to other individuals. We live in an era of where individuals filled arrogance, who's insecurity is disguised as confidence. Pathetic really..
  2. So in other words, members should change their rhetoric to cater for general audience Sounds as much fun as watching a paint dry on a wall
  3. Birds, you're a smart guy.. I'm sure you can pick out who's trolling and who's not. I just can't see how I am trolling when I am merely being myself lol?
  4. I have done exactly what I said I would.. my post counts and general attitude in this forum speaks for it self. If anything, you're trolling me with your constant self righteous backlash
  5. Care to point out where I may have been trollin chief? Interested to see if you can back up your accusations
  6. You would have to have some serious mental and life issues if you are to carry what is said and done on virtual world to the physical real world. I don't have any issues with any members in this forum, because my life doesn't revolve around this forum and its members.. if they are harboring a grudge against me, that is their own personal issues for them to solve
  7. Babbeaaa... what is wrong? You have a dildo stuck in your anus? You can't seem to hold on without making a reference to me. Does your butt hurt when i post in this sub-section of this forum? To solve a problem you have to admit it, ask Dr.Phil.
  8. Birds, should get black jeans so you have a stealth look happening
  9. A better cruiser.. maybe a bit too large for you? Saw one in orange.. looked the part.
  10. What exactly is trolling with that post? Expressing ones opinion on a small experience is now considered trollin? You seriously need to cut this holier-than-thou moral smugness attitude of yours and urgently get your self in check. It's uncalled for.
  11. Was next to one at the lights on Sydney Rd. and I'm pretty sure it sounded just like my 33 with the exhaust on whilst it was idling.. taking off however had a lighter tone to it. Changed three gears by the time mine shifted to second despite the driver just cruising it
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