Good work for ringing straight away When we asked to get things fixed they said they had to wait for their mechanic to come back from some place i never heard of <_< . Then they gave me some address to get the stereo replaced..went to the was a broken down house! So i decided to do the stereo myself.
In short, some of the issues with mine (whcih somehow went through regency before they sold it to me) include -> All Suspension was mixed up, front shockers were on the rears, with the top part of the front shockers somehow being cut through via the car's body (i can draw it, not the best on the technicalities however). The heavy duty clutch HAD to be replaced..the guy said 'what wrong with it?...' I was like looking at the revs go up but no movement.... Then the rear disc rotors were just a luaghing joke, where they accidentally put new front ones on (no complaint from me on that one), then did the rears another week later). These were the main issues. There were other little ones but nothing big.
So when you get a hold of them next, don't let then go until they've done it!