The SAFC is only for fine adjustment of the signal going to the ECU and I dare say that the DFA would be the same. To be able to run twin AFM you would need to either adjust the entire fuel table for the smaller values, or find / make some sort of circuitry that adds two voltages together. This is not overly difficult in principle, however finding part will be the key.
The other option is to run the AFM circuitry in parallel. This will give half the resistance for a given airflow and as such twice the voltage. Then you may be able to use an SAFC or similar device to correct the signal back to near original.
However, seeing that the AFM has current limiting circuitry within it, I dont know if the above would work at all... The only thing to do is set up 2 AFM on a bench and measure the output signal...
Although, if your going to the effort of twin throttle bodies why not get rid of the AFM altogether and use an aftermarket ECU with either MAP sensor or throttle position sensor?