Rental properties are at an all time low at the moment according to the experts which means that rental prices are being driven up higher then normal and the sheer volume of people turning up to the inspections is crazy.
My tips for securing a rental when there are loads of applicants are as follows:
1. Dress like your going to a fancy resturant (appearance matters)
2. Download or pickup a rental application form prior to inspecting the premises and have it filled out and ready to hand in if you like the place you are inspecting.
3. If you like the place, drive to the real estate agent immediately after inspection and hand in the application.
4. On the rental application form it states the amount of rent to pay, add $5 per week or $10 per week to the amount and you can almost count on getting the place.
5. Often forgotten by many people I have seen at real estate agents, be polite and speak well. Slang expressions and a lack of respect for the staff at a real estate can make all the difference.
I assume you have looked online @ ?