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Everything posted by GH05T

  1. noice
  2. Haha arnt you a prickly little pear
  3. willing to sell/swap the wheels, lemme know otherwise gl with sale bud.
  4. nor would i when there about 1100 new with warranty
  5. i didnt think the lights were a different dimension. they just dont have reverse lights by the plates. i dare say you would need a whole rear bar though.
  6. never seen those two lines work in the same sentence before.
  7. might push your luck and get it passed. more than likley they will just fail you for the adjustable suspension if you leave them in.
  8. no dude. i was referring to the 4wd and rwd being incompatible.
  9. read thread again. if unsure. repeat.
  10. am i the only one who dosnt want to be ripped. gregor clegain is where its at. problem is gotta be f**king huge... also check this out... no amount of training gonna make that even.
  11. unfortunately im in the same boat
  12. ......................... really
  13. would probably get away with a dent-less paint repair guy *beat me to it*
  14. yeah i have claybared it before and that gets the usual shit off it. im more interested in removing the small scratches left by the wipers and just by general micro nicks and scratches that the sun picks up.
  15. pm me your post code, ill see if my courier dude can pick them up and get theme here cheap, if he can ill take them.
  16. He's got you there...... Retort!
  17. Good morning all. one of my pet hates is a dirty windscren and i spend allot of time trying to keep my daily 32 glass clear. as with allot of older cars the glass is littered with marks, fine scratches and little nicks. I have seen people removing these with 0000 steel wool and other polishing methods. to the guys in the know, before i potentially damage my glass, whats the best method?
  18. fit the swaybar mate, should help definitely. also look into some cheap but decent coilovers like BC. the cars not going to go particularly fast but you can make it handle very well and when driven properly, still embarrass people in the twisty bits. good on you for looking properly into the handling of the car. your starting in the right place for modding. i agree with most people, that exhaust is designed for a turbo engine where the turbo is dampening allot of the noise from the engine and the huge diameter is *atleast could possibly be* needed for the exhaust flow. on an NA is is grossly oversized. the noise may be to your liking and in that case, cool, but i dare say after a while the drone, bark/farting, and general awfull noises will do your head in. i suggest have a listen to some better options and make a more informed decision. that being said, when i was a p,plater i made all the same usual bad choices
  19. hey dont get me wrong, im super jelly also Deongster..............give me your wheels... thank you.
  20. rename thread, "Terry's r u jelly 32 page".
  21. also interested in "how" this is to be settled.
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