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Everything posted by GH05T

  1. Ah fair enough. love the senator lip spolier. also may be of interest to you as a reference. http://www.ls1.com.au/forum/showthread.php?148598-VE-walkinshaw-bonnets
  2. nice, what engine cover is that? are you not able to run an OTR intake, any advantages to keeping a stock airbox? wheels look good, what offset, widths are they?
  3. haha thats sick, what are your plans with the paint?
  4. so i have a VF SSV ute in white. replaced all the chrome with black, quite low on coilovers all the usual exhaust and intakes, retuned zennon lights. going to go black and chrome 19 meisters and black sticker bombed roof. imo it will look good. dunno if anyone else will think so but i will.
  5. change insurance companys. i had both my R34gtt and C34 stag insured for $15000 get some better quotes.
  6. i do. i will also be buying the highly used work meisters if thats ok?
  7. yeah i could do the stickerbomb properly but this is expencive and i prefer it to be both hard wearing and removable. will only be on for about a year so i dont want to have to clear coat over stickers or worry about them lifting off and overlapping.
  8. morning all, i have been looking to get some vynal wrap stickerbomb. i need black and white rather than the usual colour mash which seems to limit who can supply it. i have been looking on ebay overseas and in aust. i ordered one sheet which arived yesterday which was shite quality, small sticker sizes with allot of paturn repetition on large sheets, pixilated imagry on close up inspection and overall it just looks crap in large areas. im looking at a flat area of about 110cmX75cm at least. i know some do smaller sheats which are designed to overlap ect but i would prefer a once peice sheet but if they do good work then im probably gonna be happy. question is, who do you know who can do good B&W stickerbomb wraps? any help is apreciated.
  9. i have good tires on stock 34 rims for sale, link bellow
  10. Fuel pump making any new noise? i had the same issue on my 32 when my bosch died. if it is dropping rail preassure and leaning out it can do damage quickly.
  11. i have coilpacks, link bellow
  12. Also fixed and working properly. Good work guys.
  13. "My content" also not working
  14. He just posted a silica breath Mspeck gtr https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/q71/s480x480/10599488_679083078827601_566255376692909266_n.jpg this was last month https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10556391_672445536158022_6231002133341247227_n.jpg?oh=a0b1b581665887460988f9c188701757&oe=544F0A7E&__gda__=1414966726_6176e752fd09fb5551dbc75d7be77da3 and this one had 5000km for 80k in june https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10393779_661285677274008_7548234318727389019_n.jpg
  15. i mst have seen 4 or 5 very nice rare examples pop up on ironcheff on my fb over the past few months. definatly contact him.
  16. yup, compliance date. warranty goes by first date of registration.
  17. go to the city branch and ask for him, he randomly rang me today for some parts.... talked for 20 mins about shares in gold haha. god the man can talk.
  18. Clint has moved into the city branch, but yeah, top guy. Ray the owner of prspect is also a champ. interestingly CLint dosnt rate the city branches methods.
  19. BCPR6ES for plugs nistune, get it tweaked up. check your tires even get an allignment, fuel filter, new oils and a service.
  20. actually thats a good point, whats skipping, the front or the rear?
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