There is a misconception here that thick oil protect better then thin oil while you don't realise that 90% of engine wear is at startup then at operation. A big spread oil like 5w60 will have loads of VII which will break down under load and stress, it's the breakdown of VII that cause most piston sticking/jam.
From the data given (syn oil 5 5w60). Think about it, if your engine 'REALLY' need 24.1cSt (60wt) at operating temp why would you want to pump 157cSt (40'c summer ambient temp) or 6.5 time thicker then required? What happen if it's 5'c winter morning? just imagine how hard your engine is pumping thru when you crank up...
If you insist of using a 60wt oil, why not choose a straight wt synthetic 40wt or 50wt oil? At least you don't have to worry about VII issue.