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Everything posted by Trex101

  1. For that budget, go for Delvac 1 5w40. 5L should be enough for RB25 rite
  2. A 40wt oil like 5w40 or 10w40 oil will do under this type of condition. Since it's a turbo, at least a PAO base oil would be good. Oh what's your budget for oil?
  3. We need more infor like mileage, type of driving (heavy or light footer), short or long trip (km) and if there's any oil consumption? Only with all the infor provided then we could give you a better advice.
  4. Yah, only Castrol 0w30 aka german castrol are PAO/ester blend. Do you guys have that in Australia? I'll be importing some to Singapore for own use & testing. German Castrol 0w30
  5. I second that, go for 10k before next oil change. For that type of price you are paying for SHU, you better maximise the useage.
  6. For the extra $15 bucks, i will go for the M1 then SHU.
  7. SHU is consider kindda over here due to it's sluggish performance and high cost for a group III oil.
  8. No, don't dump the oil. Redline being polyol ester base have pretty good cold pour point, i would say used it to 10k before you dump it.
  9. The cooper filter base plate looks just like my Nippon Micro base plate. I wonder if they are from the same manufacturer but different brand?
  10. I say, go with Motul 300V. For that price, go for 10k oil change interval. We just found out when we did his oil change that the vanish (under the valve cover & cam) left behind by his Castrol 10w50 was clean up after 3 oil change of Redline (10k oci). Ester oil is the way to go for highly stress/temp turbo engine.
  11. The normal Castrol Syn-R could be make up of mostly group III thus the high noak% at high temp. The really good stuffs from Castrol are the German version Castrol syntec 0w30 or popularly call German Castrol in BITOG. GC
  12. That's because i post the same question to RP technical department and the answer is mostly group IV (actual % are proprietary) couple with a small percentage of mineral additives carrier.
  13. I agreed all the rest of your comment but RP are not group III but a blend of group IV and group II mineral additives carrier oil.
  14. There is a misconception here that thick oil protect better then thin oil while you don't realise that 90% of engine wear is at startup then at operation. A big spread oil like 5w60 will have loads of VII which will break down under load and stress, it's the breakdown of VII that cause most piston sticking/jam. From the data given (syn oil 5 5w60). Think about it, if your engine 'REALLY' need 24.1cSt (60wt) at operating temp why would you want to pump 157cSt (40'c summer ambient temp) or 6.5 time thicker then required? What happen if it's 5'c winter morning? just imagine how hard your engine is pumping thru when you crank up... If you insist of using a 60wt oil, why not choose a straight wt synthetic 40wt or 50wt oil? At least you don't have to worry about VII issue.
  15. Yah, i wouldn't used it on my ride man... Too thick for my liking. khunjeng, i'm using wearcheck from USA, cheap and good. S$30 or A$23 per shot
  16. I second that. In fact most oil could have make it till 10k easily. Do a UOA on your expensive oil and make it work it's worth. Pls see link below. This is the type of expectation you would have expect from a top of the range oil. Redline with 10k km OCI
  17. Ok, since you asked. Here are 2 link which talk more in depth into group I to V base stocks. Base stock Base stock 2
  18. They are using mainly 70-80% group IV PAO couple with 20-30% mineral additives carrier oil. They are pretty good but not quite a long drain oil. 10k is about max it can go.
  19. Do you guys have access to UOA kit? This will tell you the avg from the good.
  20. I do know that some oil like Redline 5w20, 5w30, 10w30 & 10w40 do not contain VII. The 5w40 may contain some or little VII. Some Infor on VII and the shearing effect Bobistheoilguy
  21. Yah mate... who say we need to spend 300 bucks for performance upgrade when we could do it for 30 bucks or less.
  22. Use RL 75w90ns (safe for syncro) for your manual tranny and RL 75w90 for your diff.
  23. Hi QRI05E, this is a sample on what a DIY CAI will look like. It block out the heat and get the job done with min cost. Tupperware CAI box
  24. Hey check out ebay au, happen to see a post of NGK G-Power platinum going for $5 buck with free shipping.. NGK G-Power
  25. How much are you guys paying for the NGK V-Power copper?
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