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    spoiled R31 GXE
  • Real Name
    KiRi DeRmEtZoGlOu

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  1. OK well all the brands listed are fine .. apart from rainbow they are awesome .. but somthing that is on par and are just wonderfull is DIGITAL DESIGNS .. holder of the worlds loudest car for 5 years running is saying somthing . i have a full DD audio sys in my R31 and i love it splits up front coax rears 4ch amp and single sub and my car plays perfect sound . they have awesome imaging .. but at the end of the day u need to not just sit on the comp and ask ppls opinion go out to shops and demo them. if u are near autobarn in sunshine melbourne come in and see me and i will demo them for ya
  2. Hey guys can somone help i wanna photoshop somthing on a 2004 camry sportivo can somone help me pm me and we will go with that please
  3. Awesome guys more ppl down there the better ... i wanna make it huge so we can do this often . Also that day we are having 20% off rrp on EVERYTHING in store . there are confirmed the kenwood demo car and also the orion demo car going to be there as many as can come would be awesome . and if n e one wants to come in to autobarn and have a chat to me (Kiriakos) i am in audio u cant miss me . i am there most days apart from thursdays !
  4. Hey guys and gals I am orgonising a MASSIVE cruise from autobarn sunshine to geelong waterfront. It will be a massive day filled with fun at autobarn and savings and then a cruise to geelong there will be a few nice demo cars coming along aswell. we also will have a shw and shine at the final destination WITH PRIZES !. So if u are down Pm me or come into the shop and fill in the entry form. now what everyone wants to know Price :$5 <-entry What ya get : a goodie bag filled with stuff Time : start 2:30pm- Leave sunshine 4:15pm Arrive Geelong 5:00pmish! a day of FUN Date : 2nd of December 2007 there will be give aways and discounts in store. After we might be going to smorgies for dinner and i will book tables and places but it is not a must but if u wanna come along give me a pm or add me on msn [email protected] and i will look after ya Thanks guys
  5. Hey man u still got the stock seats? if so how much ?
  6. Hey mate where are u for one and if your motor is going for a resonable price i will take them off ya can u send me a few pics ??? and then the price please i am in melb
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