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Everything posted by macka

  1. who knows 17 year olds? hehe
  2. hey gluey Ok paully since youve been nice after ive given u shit ill change my avatar
  3. Cheers Paul Beer helps Ive been missing skimpy day too
  4. Thats ok i talked to TPPaul shes cool I tore a ligament last friday first day i walked again was wed bit rough on the clutch tho Shes still black and blue and i limp like a pirate
  5. Macka, Trust us we know what we're doing The D-slots are just for aligning, so it makes it hard to get the timing right what r u on about if u had NO D sIut theb u would have trouble doing timing
  6. no d slot u mean? HUH? and how do cam gears move? Are you crazy you could of bent all your valves Get a mechanic who knows what they are doing ;p
  7. Yeah i copped you a beauty with the ratchet What was the problem with the timing paully? running like a pigdog? welcome to adams world
  8. Micko i got my trophy still as well... but i got a comp wheel and a ex wheel so u drowning your sorrows then? PS mines on film
  9. Paul whats wrong with your car now? Well I pulled adams turbo off and back on again in less than 3 hours start to finish damn im good If any of you want to know anything about anything just ask me And ill point you in the right direction
  10. Hello ****face Paully....All of them Damn i missed the fireworks today could of had a laugh since everyone laughed at me when i did my turbo
  11. Simon you changed your name because youve gone RB25 havent you!!!!
  12. Hey paully and Micko Heard ya been shootin your mouth off again Paully
  13. slow? haha come to perth mate, there everywhere, and running 12s
  14. Guys If you want the turbo u would know what it is, theres no explaining a T88 34D. If you dont know what one of those is u dont want it
  15. A ha... nah im disabled at mo anyway.... nexttime... nighty night night micko
  16. oright im off too.... Not workin tomorrow So im gettin back on the playstation Next time u go cruising let me know you XXXXs
  17. why couldnt he fix it himself? All u guys should be able to do that stuff and not rely on others if yr gonna race around At least carry a 8 10mm and i just chuck in an allen key set as well....hhhm,
  18. How many cars went on this cruise..... n is his car ok?
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