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About R34NRG

  • Birthday 27/02/1988

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    Melbourne, Eastern Suburbs

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    R34 GTT
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  1. wtf is the point of telln me rampant stock walls of rims? you rkn some dickhead is going to walk into footlocker and ask for a toothbrush? no shit rampant are gonna have stock of wheels because like you said, its wat they do. and even if thats wat they day, ill bet my hairy ballz if i asked them to give me volks with a +5 offset theyll tell me to wait a while. my whole point is majority of stores will need to order parts in, because this shit isnt freely available, most of it is offshore, they aint nessesaties, and are only ordered by the minority. even with something as popular as exhausts. you walk into a exhaust shop and ask for a Blitz nur Spec exhaust for a r34 gtt. chances are they prob aint gonna have them in stock and will order. but if u just say exhaust for r34 thanks. yeh okay they might. im just tryna help this guy out by simply saying theres no big real reason why you gotta go into a showroom/shop to buy shit. because chances are your still gonna have to order, pay more and wait longer and it prob cummn from the same place. online businesses are realiable enough these days to buy with confidence. and you guys arguing about bs have properly put in this guys head that his better off at a showroom. way to go........ and i just wanna bring this up again. kyle man the guy obviously thinks that buying over the net is unsafe, and must involve credit card details. im simply lettn the guy know times have changed. you can safely buy online from trusted people, get great deals and walk away happy. thats what this site is all about. helping one another with infomation. i still rkn ur a bit of a anus licker for trying to make it sound like there are shops out there that are "one stop shop" with everything in stock. it just dosnt happen buddy sorry. if anyone agrees that jack is better off buying from a retail store raise your hand. because i honestly think his chances are better here on SAU's trading section. f*k me ash you should be paying me and not those f*kn ads u got everywhere on this site now lol. thats it from me, im off to bed. gotta beat off to this blonde i met at the movies. gg
  2. dnot take any offence there kyle but stfu and gtfo. your gonna sit there and say that the chances are with you that you walk into a store and ask for a JDM part....that they will 100% have them stocked on the shelf right there right now? you can walk into any shop, chances are they gotta order it. they MIGHT have them in STOCK (doubful) but defiently unlikely to be on shelf. they might have to take a few days to order it. they might have to drive down to the warehouse. i dont give a shit wat you say im telling you the odds are against you when it comes to ordering JDM parts. man u got some nerve telln me i talk shit. id challange anyone here to find a store that would stock an entire catalog of parts for one specific car. you wanna know why no one will find one? its because its f*kn stupid to have every single item in stock, because nigga you's a window shopper, In the jewelry store lookin' at shit you can't buy. i aint arguing bout this any further. when it comes to anything on the market. RETAIL STORES ARE USALLY ALWAYS MORE EXPENSIVE. /rant /Omurru yeh u got me there, i dont know if he wants to buy but my whole argument is based on if he is actually serious about buying. and quit hogging the prices you can get. info or ban mofo lol let me know what they quote u on, id be damned if they have them on shelf and even more damned if they can beat the prices i can find. f*k im pumped up......... i just got back from the new batman movie......man dat shit was off the hook lol
  3. anyone know wat the factory hp output these have?
  4. totally understand buddy but i dont think you realise how things work these days. no one pays with paypal or credit card......well ppl do but i believe everyone bank deposits though NetBank ect ect. like i said your seriously paying ALOT if you go into a store.....and they prob wont be able to get half the stuff you ask for, and if they do they charge 200% because its a one off order.... hope im not sounding like a dickhead here jack, i was once in ur poisition and wish someone told me how things worked rather then taking trips down to woop woop to have a look at some rims that i could of paid half the price of online. trust me buddy if you buy from regulars, its completely safe. but like i said, if you REALLY REALLY wanna go into a showroom/shop.....i hope u find wat ur lookn for =D just curious though, wats something you are defiantly 100% lookn at buying? ill see if i can help you out. my local autobarn stocks alot of JDM parts and im sure there should be a local autobarn near u. i can get them to send it over if you want. let me know buddy, ill try hook u up
  5. if u dont trust buying stuff on the net, then unfortuneately your doomed. no one has this stuff inhouse. its all on order when you put money down. you want JDM rims? no chance in hell your gonna find decent wheels on shelf u want chrome and sex spec shit? tyre factory is ur place. exhausts? again same shit no one keeps this stuff on shelf. they might have em in stock at the warehouse somewhere but fat chance youll see it. and no one trial fits exhausts. you buy ur model exhaust pay the money and they put it on. unless your going custom which i doubt u are bodykits are the same. its all make to order and besides, they are all gonna look the same lying there on the floor unpainted. i bet if they do show you any sort of sample it will be print outs from the net and the worse part is youll be paying sometimes 200-300bux more depending on what your buying. in the JDM field........nothing is on shelf trust me buddy.....ive bought wheels, bodykits, turbo kits, engine parts, exhausts, custom order parts. my whole car is pretty much off nengun, greenline or some sort of online site. but if your happy to spend the extra money, ill have to hand it over to someone who lives on the west side, as im a easterner. i cant help you
  6. it honestly depends on what your after buddy. but heres a good starting point http://www.nengun.com/ http://www.greenline.jp both are very trust worthy and both i have used with no hassles. it would help if you told us exactly what your after though
  7. its been asked before but there isnt any concrete answer that ive found yet. do you need GTR hinges AND a bonnet latch to put a GTR bonnet onto a GTT? ive got front bar and guard compatibility covered. im just trying to find out what i need to fit a GTR bonnet onto a GTT. any help much appreciated guys!
  8. fark that sucks hamish...... its only a matter of time before they get me.......and im running a top mount. and my car dosnt look very innocent. i think the rule of thumb is if they can see it, it is illegal, so if u leave ur boost solenoid in the engine bay make sure its hidden out of plain sight. but youll defiently have to get rid of the interior unit cuz its a straight give away. ive never been EPA'ed so if anyone can shed some light as to the procedures they take.......that be great again...good luck with it hamish let us know how it goes with the bigger engine mods
  9. R34NRG

    Car Vs House

    because in return she lets u test the holy grail
  10. yeh.......its the only thing between me and my fulls in 6months
  11. interesting........what stops somone from claiming there R34 is a GT4 modified to turbo standards? or taking the vin n stuff off a gt4 and putting it on a GTT?
  12. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF HOW DID I MISS THIS THREAD. if u want a actual "flame thrower" kit it costs u as lil as 100bux. theyll stick something at the end of ur exhaust which will seriously make u blow flames but if ur talkn about those JDM flame poppers. its the bee*r rev limiter. both highly illegal, both very fun =D
  13. defiently is a repost. theres a site somewhere that showcases nearly every single JDM car there is as a japanese patrol car. pretty cool but old.
  14. awww looks like i missed out. partyn to hard sat nite -___-" any big power hitters?
  15. i doubt theyll catch much.......these derros never stop
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