wtf is the point of telln me rampant stock walls of rims? you rkn some dickhead is going to walk into footlocker and ask for a toothbrush?
no shit rampant are gonna have stock of wheels because like you said, its wat they do. and even if thats wat they day, ill bet my hairy ballz if i asked them to give me volks with a +5 offset theyll tell me to wait a while.
my whole point is majority of stores will need to order parts in, because this shit isnt freely available, most of it is offshore, they aint nessesaties, and are only ordered by the minority. even with something as popular as exhausts. you walk into a exhaust shop and ask for a Blitz nur Spec exhaust for a r34 gtt. chances are they prob aint gonna have them in stock and will order. but if u just say exhaust for r34 thanks. yeh okay they might.
im just tryna help this guy out by simply saying
theres no big real reason why you gotta go into a showroom/shop to buy shit.
because chances are your still gonna have to order, pay more and wait longer and it prob cummn from the same place. online businesses are realiable enough these days to buy with confidence.
and you guys arguing about bs have properly put in this guys head that his better off at a showroom.
way to go........
and i just wanna bring this up again.
kyle man the guy obviously thinks that buying over the net is unsafe, and must involve credit card details.
im simply lettn the guy know times have changed. you can safely buy online from trusted people, get great deals and walk away happy. thats what this site is all about. helping one another with infomation.
i still rkn ur a bit of a anus licker for trying to make it sound like there are shops out there that are "one stop shop" with everything in stock. it just dosnt happen buddy sorry.
if anyone agrees that jack is better off buying from a retail store raise your hand. because i honestly think his chances are better here on SAU's trading section.
f*k me ash you should be paying me and not those f*kn ads u got everywhere on this site now lol.
thats it from me, im off to bed. gotta beat off to this blonde i met at the movies.