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About Greebo

  • Birthday 18/12/1977

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    What do you think??<br /><br />Also Home Theater, Computers

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  • Car(s)
    Skyline R33 GTR-V
  • Real Name
    Skyline Noob

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  1. Sweet!!! Thanks Mate!!!
  2. Hi, Could someone please tell me if I'm chasing in the right place. My bodyworks is chasing a model number for my GTR 1995 GTR-V Spec VIN: BCNR33-006515 Will this be enough? Thanks in Advance. Greebo
  3. Hey fellow hoons, I need a good recommendation for bodywork. I had a small altercation with a taxi late Friday night about 2:30am and the front passenger corner is now somewhat bent. Its probably going to cost me, but shit happens.... Thanks Farley.
  4. Hey Nick, Still got that CF Bonnet up for grabs??? This is a long haul request to Hobart, how much am I in for?? Thanks Greebo
  5. Hi, Can anyone tell me where one could get the advertising that was used for the various Skylines over the years??? Posters, vids, whatever on the Skyline over time. I'm a recent convert and I've never seen anything. I heard there was an ad saying something like "WR... what??" in reference to the WRX, for an example. I'm proud that I've managed to scrap together the cash for a GTR and my ego always needs constant stroking. So if anyone could help, I'd appreciate it!!! Thx Greebo
  6. G'Day guys, I've just had a Viper alarm fitted to my '95 R33GTR and my sparky asked me where the Tacho wire is located and since neither he or I can read Japanese we are a little lost.... I dont want a solution that connects to the consult port as I plan to actually use the port soon. Anyone?? Thx Greebo
  7. Like all GTR's.... I'm #$%@ing broke and there is sooooo much I wanna dooo!!!! Seriously contemplating a 3rd job.... I hope to post some more pics soon, as I spent the long weekend working out the heavy fine scratches in the paintwork. I can only assume they came from previous owner putting car thru car wash. My mate thought I'd had the car resprayed... if thats any guide.... Also, I blew a tyre on the highway, almost nothing left of the sidewall.... OMG But "I LOVE IT!!" and to prove a point, I had a line of guys along the side of the road, doing this and THAT made me actually go back an hr l8tr and get more Greebo GTR NUT!!
  8. Greebo

    Tas Fuel

    Hey, it was in the RACT newsletter its gotta be true....... GMB
  9. Greebo

    Tas Fuel

    Dont be ridiculous... Not in Hobart, but according to RACT, a competing oil company is coming to Tassie and they are bringing 98RON with them. So hopefully, maybe August, probably Xmas. As for the other, I'm sure one of the guys on here will point ya in the right direction, I'm too noob to tell ya.... Search turn up a couple.... Octane boost Greebo
  10. very funny gmb, very funny........
  11. BIG THX to R34, made my freakin' week!!!
  12. Mate, something is wrong with the board. Just got an email saying you pm'ed but nothing there and cant pm back (sql error..) So you can email me direct at [email protected] Thx
  13. BUMP.... Anyone...???
  14. Sweet guys, really appreciate the info. Special thx to Frigjam for the idea on the boxes, I'll remember that one. He also wins the lucky door prize, (...of my eternal thx ) as TasFreight will be doing the delivery, since one of my clients (IT night work, as opposed to the day drawing job) has offered to send them to Syd for next to nix, because he already has a pallet going that way anyway. So thx one and all... Greebo SAU = Mates
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