Thats it! I'm in...I'm going to TAS. I've got enough points to upgrade my ass from site to TAS and back so that nice. I'm going to get there a few days early and have a look around then go to Hokkaido after the show for some skiing or in my case falling. Unfortunately I don't have a lonely planet over here at the moment and I'm trying to pick a resort. So far I've looked at Furano, Tomamu and Niseko.
What I'm after is a place that has...
Western style Hotel
Good snow
Good facilities
Good party
and where the Aussies or dare I say it Americans, dont out number the Japanese (not you guys of course . )
I dont mind spending a few bucks for the right resort.
I'd appreciate any info you can provide. BTW I'm happy to meet up at TAS or anywhere else while I'm there for a Sake with SAU'ers.
PS:Yes, I did search but all the ski info is a couple of years old.