Man that must have been terrifying for your kid and infuriating to you. I too have had been subjected to the small penis-big luxo-4WD types, happily with different results. It is easy to say just ignore the nob jockey and claim the windscreen (i get a free one, lucky me) but when you are in the moment, the chemicals start to work and rational thought is overtaken by the fight or flight mechanism.
If someone pushed in front of you at a maccers you would say something and 9 times out of 10 the offender would back down and relinqusih his spot. However, when we are in our car we are insulated from the social pressure of others watching us be an asshole. So we end up with the small penis guy thinking he can get away with it and Ronin33 feeling he has to protect his family. Then the situation escalates and no one is happy. I'm sure Ronin33 would have wanted a different outcome but remember it takes alot to stay sane on the road these days and before anyone passes judgement they should look at what they have done in similar situations.....Personally, I prefer to go with tailing the SOB in my second car and buying some paint stripper, but thats me.