Some interesting info there Drift. Is this an issue we will have to face each time there is a defect issued? if so this is how I see the madness unfolding...
"Random" traffic stop, plod comes out with the usual "what's that? a BOV?"..."no officer it's a pod filter". So the defect for a BOV, but now under educated plod can fark with you a little more and add..."I suspect this car has an ECU or camshaft or -insert spurious alleged defect here- you will be taking this over the pits and you will need to get this IM240'ed smart arse". Then comes the the trip to the tuner for the soft tune and a near new cat. So if you dont have the soft tune or dont road tune yourself, it's the what?an hour on the dyno + new cat + whatever minor transgression you've committed against the ADR's + the plods usual nonsense list + usual time off work + fees...this is going to cost...this is of course based on the $1200 Drift calculated.
So we have the inconvenience and the excessively high cost of compliance. What is going to happen when you get defected for IM240 and there is no cat available and/or the Kosteki cash register is booked for a month, vehicle deregistered?? Even with two centres (cheers Gaz) for this testing the back log will be immense.
Now this 1200 bucks, sure a new cat (one off purchase), some dyno time but $1200. The UK has the MOT system and I recall seeing some show a little while ago and I'm sure the test itself was only around $100. If you have a decat pipe or a cat and keep a IM240 spec cat in the garage it wouldn't have thought it would be that big of an impost. Just a little more screwing around than usual.