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Everything posted by evil_weevil

  1. which company said that? your insurer or the neighbours? read your PDS and see if you are covered for storm damage. Also see if you are covered for goods in open air on your property. maybe up to a limit and a washing line would be no more than $500? (some insurers have a limit of say 500 - 2000 or a % of totalsum insured for this "open air cover" if they have it) really you should lodge a claim with your home insurer (making sure it is covered) and they'll do the rest.
  2. maybe I was drunk hahah could have been you! dam you 180/s13 owners!! haha
  3. when I was on the exec team a few years ago I rang HART at St Ives a few times asking to hire it out and if we could etc - each time got knocked back!
  4. this thread makes me laugh. Its funny that the more long term members here, dare I say, slightly more mature too (not saying op isnt or is etc) but majorty of us never have an issue with the law, police, whinge etc how bad it is. why is that? perhaps respect? and if we have? we have learnt our lesson then and there. oh, and feel free to have a go at me for replying here - Im just stating what I see. Feel free to label me a hater and tell me STFU too. Just saying how I see it in here. As Marssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss said - totally agree.
  5. ok that is totally f**ked. I feel sorry for the bloke. and wtf is the douche yelling out when filming.
  6. fail at linking is failed.
  7. thats if Fatz is allowed to get out of his WANKR race series contract. I'll let Pete advise us on that - dont more more scandalous news now do we! this forum has had too much recently!
  8. nissan cubes, R31s and micra's Duncan and fatz are going to be heading up the dealer team.
  9. Brian, this R35 better be as clean, immaculate and schmick as your old 32!
  10. In others news, the real bathurst is on this month, the 12 hour. that is all.
  11. speed off the streets day during the week would be a great test/first run.
  12. agreed value on the purchase price is simple.
  13. wait, is this the vehicle? doesnt seem unique to me? looks like the Murano but US/JDM version with the V36 fornt end! just cars might do it too.
  14. call them 13 46 46 - they wont list high risk cars online. also call LSV - very competitive as well as Enthusiast underwriting and Ryno. All have very similar benefits for cover. Unfortunately Shannons seem to have got too big from being taken over by suncorp back in 2007 and all only interested in getting the sale and nothing else. Id suggest reading the PDS of each insurer you get the quotes from so you can make an informed decision.
  15. Famous only insures motor cycles now.
  16. also, perhaps on next renewal with your insurer, or when car is repaired get a quote for full comprehensive instead of third party. would save this hassle. (they prob wont do it now as car has pre existing damage)
  17. if you arent happy with AAMI's response, you ask to speak to a manager, if they say no, ask them they need to inform you of their internal dispute resolution process. each insurer has this and they have to advise you of this if you are not happy with a situation. they'll then have 10 days from memory to get back to you. they have to inform you each part of the process, and if any delays, and expected time frame. just because they arent your insurer doesnt mean they shouldnt help. they have taken on a risk and that risk has caused loss/damage to a third party = you. so they should accept if all liability points to it. (I imagine it would as he has legft a note) with the IDR process, iif by a certain time fram there is no result, then it goes to the EDR (external) and thats where the FOS gets involved as per Terry's post. good luck with it.
  18. Wait... you are getting married on the 11th, and racing on the 12th? THATS commitment!
  19. sadly not Mark that pug has done a 1.12.2 at best? Im still in the 1.13's its the straight line speed I suffer from where everyone passes me or catches up, but then come the corners and Im all over them or trying to pass! might get that last pic framed hehe
  20. Ive seen that MR2 before! few recent pics from MRA r1
  21. I towed my mx5 race car today and all I got was gay looks and asked for hair cuts
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