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Everything posted by evil_weevil

  1. cant this sunday - I'll be at work d'oh
  2. rukus - Im willing to give mr hill billy a case of tooheys old!
  3. Can I please bring my 31 to that rally place and we'll do tandem rally dorri
  4. Very nice Simon! Love it! Man, I soo wanna get back out there - just need more $$$
  5. As in it was a year ago we had that big cruise to Newcastle? man a year has flown fast hurry up and get her back on the road!
  6. They are only on hwy cars - or the falcon wagons (which have the camera) you see parked on side of roads/freeways
  7. Hey guys, another silly and simple question here from me! but do theystill hold the driftland on friday nights at Oran Park? Anyone here go or have been? What were they like? busy? pricing? etc Keen to get out there more to practice - but the initial drift days are a bit pricey Cheers, Chris
  8. If I click that link mate, my daily driver R31 will turn out like yours! p.s. thanks for the pm the other day with the suspension info!
  9. Gordon local area command have some "standard cars" and so does City Central Such as echo's, avalons, 380's, a rav 4 so look out! ad if those two stations have them, Im sure others would also Oh, and my source is good
  10. as much as I cant stand the sound of an exhausted SR20 - in this situation Id take the S15. as Ive got a daily driver, the s15 would be great for me, basically two seater (no room in back seat!) and would be a great starter for some good track days over my 33 - however Ive spent waaay too much on the 33 to let it go
  11. sorry to hear about the accident mate. but i'll shot gun front/dump pipe and hi-flow cat if it is going to be seperated. PM me what you think they are worth Cheers, Chris
  12. I need some Bride rails - BASE mount for a fixed back bucket seat to fit in a 33 GTS25t - just the drivers - so 220 plus ??? delivery? cheers
  13. Well, unless you are talented like me its 15 mins per tyre so I need to invest in those battery powered rattle guns!
  14. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk Just transfered money and faxed entry forms Can you please confirm? Ta! Chris
  15. wasnt my car good enouigh
  16. I can fit 4 in the boat Richard Spose, only doing roads like the M2 and M7!
  17. Hey guys, Just wanting thoughts and peoples experiences on what you all do. Ok, you have your normal road tyres and a set of semi's in the garage. For a track day, do you change the tyres the day before at home and drive out to the track on the semi's? Or change them there at the track - so taking everything out to say Oran park etc Obviously driving with them on out to the track will reduce usage (wear and tear) but by how much etc? Sorry for the silly questions! Chris
  18. just wait till everyone has a few drinks into them!
  19. ditto scorp32 exactly hey - what if everyone has an acco few days/weeks apart - no funds - waste of money....and friends would be lost.
  20. hmm..... I havent used mine yet - I got the ones from St George tyres But I guess for my sort of usage - i.e. 'kharna's and few track days - Im not that quick on the pace nor do I go "that" hard - Im confident they'll be perfect for my useage but of course, I'll keep you all updated when I finally get them on for a session or 11ty
  21. its broonze you uber gay nerd homma! Log on Paul!
  22. This thread has super dooper aids. all your skylines are belong to us. R31 GXE's FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyhoo - lock thread. that is all.
  23. Bit of an action shot at Oran Park (Need to zoooooom in ) And a shot at the mountain after doing the supersprint there
  24. Valiants pwn all!!!

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