echo x 11ty dickhead comments.
You must have got the 1 in 4 kellogs box in which you get a free licence.
I say, invest in KY Lube as you are going to be...well....rammed hard for many years.
I was pulled over for an RBT thurs night at hornsby heights, im a good boy so was all good
Oh, and saw two XR6 highway patrols (unmarked and marked) race a plane today!
each time the xr6 turbos won! (true story!)
Man that Hummer nuts!!!
theres a few over in Hawaii but first Ive seen here - and the driver I think was a former body guard for a celeb....farkin massssssssive!
Suprised you reconsied me!
the XS isnt going to be a problem is it.
Simple rule of thumb - dont have an at fault crash - wont have to worry about XS
Although there are some penalty claims - hail / storm damage which the xs wouldnt be waived and would need to be paid.