Just a quick question while on this topic....!
If you have the slotted rotors up front - is there much of a gain fitting slotted in the rears?
Do people actually notice a difference? much or not?
Just wondering if I should upgrade rear discs...
Stupid question, and please dont shoot me down for asking...
But how do the supersprints work?
Is it a flying lap or laps?
how many other cars onthe track?
I did the bathurst supersprint down conrod - is it similar to that?
done and done
Car feels fantastic!
They put the fronts on medium and rears on hard
and max castor
had to go through Galston Gorge (NSW people would know this road!) the other day - car never felt so alive!
Still going to take a bit of getting used to - as I did find, got on the gas a wee bit early and the rear stepped out - but that was silly anyway
looks highly unlikely now I'll be able to make it...
just spent almost 3k on fights and tours....
IF there is room and its last minute, Im sure I can scrounge up some $$$ but at this stage, highly unlikely
Neil - Id be there however I work every sunday and the sundays I do manage to get off work will be for the motokharna series!!!!
Hopefully next year I'll be out there though in my "precious GTSt"
yep yep, 21 will be cheap for insurance! ESP with a performance car! /end sarcasim
Scorp - thanks for that - theres like 11ty million threads/posts on this topic!