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Everything posted by evil_weevil

  1. Id hit it
  2. thats ok, that German chick is my dream girl
  3. and its a repeat
  4. bump - on now
  5. they beat us. at the drags anyway. and these threads normally get locked too
  6. tyres - true! On the street, they hold well as for 1. I hardly take the car out and 2. no point pushing it too hard! However I'll most likely be using those federals 595RS's which has been posted in this forum section! Thanks again Chris
  7. Hey guys, As topic states, need some 2nd hand seat rails so I can get my new bucket seat in - as it didnt come with any! Anyone can help or know anyone? Tar! Cheers, Chris
  8. stock front/dump pipe? Ive got stock...
  9. Thats me mate! heheh Yep, being out on the track that day with 4 V8 supercars was....well... exciting!!! Most of these supersprints/hillclimbs/motokharna's are most on sundays and bugger for me as I have to work then again there is always "sick leave..."
  10. Interested, pm replied Cheers, Chris!
  11. Will do guys! but looks like I'll have to post in another section - I'll also try another forums which might be useful also! stay tuned!
  12. ouch - everytime I open NSW section only for me...
  13. whens next round? Jason - Im guessing it was OP south? thats a great time! Last time I saw you there it was low 55's high 54's and I wasnt far off that pace!
  14. Hey guys, Got myself a new seat! Just need some custom rails made for it - north of sydney anyone? Cheers! Chris
  15. Brendan, Go the smaller, crappy tyres. Oran Park skid pan isnt the words best...concrete is all uneven, gets bumpy and some of these exercises will be very stressfull on tyres. the watering system...if you can call it that, doesnt do much of a job. there will bemany dry patches, esp if they dont use the two water trucks...some of the parts of the pan that are wet, are on braking and turn in parts - makes it more trickier Last day I was there for a motokharna, I chewed up my tyres from handbrake turns to power sliding the whole pan. there is nothing left on those tyres!!!and if I do this day - I'll be using one of my many spares I have
  16. Thanks heaps guys oh, as Im a suspension n00b - is it easy to under there and "tighten or soften" the sway bars?
  17. Hey guys, Im going to get my suspension fitted early next week - got the whiteline f & r sway bars and front castor adjuster - what sort of settings should I say to them? Ive got the bilstein shocks and white line springs package already fitted - need these new mods to work well, car is used mainly on street but with track days around once a month. Any suggestions? Cheers!! Chris
  18. spotted a bunch of messy SAU NSW members at hornsby rsl
  19. To everyone who was there tonight - big cheers for helping me celebrate! Was a top night! Coasties - you guys rock! and thanks for making the trip down yet again! the flaming lambo was...well...an effort !! I left around....cant even remember what time! but everyone else went to old pub How was that??? Right now - I feel a bit crook, I think i'll crack a drink open, hair of the dog yet again! now to back up for my 3rd night in a row
  20. I feel sick.
  21. good bit of info guys - time for me to ring ym tyre dealer
  22. what happened to him?
  23. Thanks everyone for the birfdee wishes jsut got back from brunch at dee why with the mrs - Im full - I need larger pants my hangover is still here tohugh, but bout to crack a beer oh, and now work for me p.s. slide - wheres my hiflow turbo pressie!?!?!
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