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Everything posted by evil_weevil

  1. ah I see.... so lazy barstard! whats doing ! old road?
  2. Martin, have a look over at antilag - there should be heaps - I know Darren posted quite a few last night Dino....maybe!! hehehehehehe I know I know I couldnt help myself...again! James - what new avatar?
  3. good work Liz promo shoot? wtf? oh its a member tihng yeah?
  4. hahah yes the review mirror - hahaha could see myself in it concentrating - not a good look - funny though!!! yeah just get some foam from clarke rubber or something! ill take an order
  5. kellyville isnt too far away from the north - hmm.....old pac..hahaha
  6. saw it on performance forums dammit......3 spots!?!?! umm.....dam work!! still unsure of shifts
  7. Craig - It turned out pretty good - its just my camera is old and bulky ! Cant really see the slides and the angles etc - but still looks good! how was your home made set up? You should copyright it
  8. if our shitter VL has rego left we'll be taking that - providing im not working ! its got just over 4 weeks rego we paid 150 bucks !! hahahahahaha auto though
  9. theres quite a few over on antilag - and links too in the NSW section
  10. Ah Tosh - Tell the STi driver that he sprayed mud all over my car and a black WRX because he kept on pushing in and out. Seriously - not cool!! If anyone did it to his car I bet he would have shouted murder. Even had to get the meguiars out to get some scratches out!! but all good now!
  11. bloody good quality pics from a mobile !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great shots Arup !
  12. I would have come up and said Hi but cant remember what you look like Come on guys, photos please!!
  13. after yesturdays skid pan with Aaron Im even more keen for this day - once again Pete, I'll hopefully find out at the end of this week if I'll be on the sunday shift then - 50 50 chance. Cheers, Chris p.s. what other cars will be there? imports? 8's? muscle?
  14. Ben in the wagon went nuts Al in the XR6 did a freakin great job too Fantastic day out there
  15. spotted quite a few fellow SAU'ers at EC yesturday
  16. Thanks to Al in the XR6 Turbo for this shot
  17. theres a few photos in the nsw antilag section
  18. my battereis in my digi died cause they were Emo..... the mrs and I got some good vid footage though....of cars..
  19. Tosh - saw your euro there next the the dr30 sky ! Guys - thanks again for helping us make the day happen Tosh - clutch was fantastic !!! Ben - vids would be sweet Martin - good to see the change of tyres helped too photos photos photos please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers, Chris
  20. seems that it needed just that extra little bit of careful driving
  21. 0404 083 916 Gimmie a call guys if theres any dramas or anything!! Cheers, Chriso
  22. sorry...antilag skid pan day that day.... Tosh - come say g'day to us at the pan
  23. Ben, You can have stuff in there but cause you'll be a hektik drift0r like myself they will be moving around and it could break (depending on what it is!) If you need to bring stuff, theres a viewing "hut" which is under cover so you could leave it there, my mrs will be there so sh can keep an eye out, and plus we all good people! Ive cleared everything out - last time I didnt and my tool box went everywhere in my boot clutch seems fine!!! lets just hope she's all good!!!!
  24. As per the pm, glad to hear Joe
  25. sounds like it isnt the week for clutches mines getting another look over today... *fingers crossed* figure 8 isnt in - its very expensive Ben - of course your still in mate! Ive got an in car set up too - its a suction pad - back window and away you go! although my vid cam is old and big and emo hahahaha
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