spotted 2 skylines in mascot today, maroon 33gtst, parked opposite me in car park and a nn turbo 33gts - same car as mine, cept non turbo! ad a chat, told him to sign up
drivers seat still there?
what colour is the trim?
In good condition?
My seat has a slight hole that gets bigger as my fat ass gets in and out, was quoted alot more for repairing it....
Very Interested
p.s. Im other side of bridge, i could come and get it
I'd just like to echo the part of these guys being a good unch of blokes.
I was a member there (used to own an LS1) and these guys are good people!
so dont be affraid!
In fact, go and whoop then
(I'd run - cept I know what mine runs and it isnt going to get any faster by sunday )
Yesturday evening - spotted a maroon 33 gtst and a black 32 gtst on pacific highway near the servo's at berowra - heading north, gave a toot and a wave, got a wave back
Im not from the coast - but im from Hornsby.
any excuse to drive on the old pacific hwy so yeah, i wouldnt coming up for a drive
ill keep an eye on this thread,
I would, but dont know where you live or drive! so cant
I spotted a 32 GTR in Hornsby Heights - plates MEL 93H
anyone from here?
looked and sounded horn!
I work at Asquith - could try and get a much MUCH cheaper rate for us.
Gordon....well Im glad you think its nice - it used to be better....that was when I used to work there
Oh - forgot to mention - Im interested - but cant do it within next couple of weeks.
I know the pro's at Gordon so I could try and swindle something there too.