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Everything posted by Gradenko

  1. Look it up: http://www.yellowpages.com.au http://www.whitepages.com.au Welshpool isn't too far from Winthrop. Just a few more traffic lights past Manning Rd on Leach Hwy.
  2. Yeah, phuck, channel 7 deserves a kick in the nuts for buffy/angel repeats they've been putting on mid season.
  3. How funny was buffy last night. The intro cracked me up.
  4. Boostzor, yeah. Rob is way outta line there. Even slightley racist comments shouldn't be tolerated here. Sure, we laugh at eriks english, but how great is our indonesian, eh?
  5. skyzerr, ah, right. So how was the cam gear?
  6. cam, skyzerr went from safc to untuned powerfc to tuned powerfc. boostzor, next time your on the phone to CMP, ask em how much injector cleaning is for a 6 cylinder.
  7. 45rwhp is pretty decent.
  8. Hey all. vspec, did skyzerr have similar problems with the ex cam gear as yourself?
  9. zanda, i remeber trying to do buiness with this very same character a year ago. I rang him 2wks after he claimed to have sent a fuel controller via COD and the lazy fscker hadn't even uninstalled it from his "friends" car yet. I didn't lose any money but i was waiting around for something that was never going to show. Let him burn I say.
  10. Cya ppl later. I gots a lecture to attend. (final one for the rest of my life, w00t!)
  11. BAMBAM, next cruise. When is the next cruise, btw? A seperate thread hasn't been made for it yet.
  12. Paul, I'll try my best.
  13. Thanks steve, will give him a call.
  14. Paul, know anyone with a flowbench? I'm asking chris mills if they have one, otherwise danny fisher knows someone but mates rates is doubtful.
  15. Do you feel it retarding ignition when you put your foot down? (like it feels like its really going to start moving but then jerks slightly and goes slower than you expect). Sounds like yours has been modded before you got it. Crack the ecu open and see whats new.
  16. No fuel control? Holy shit, you must be running rich as a mutherfcuker.
  17. What kind of fuel control you running aidwin? This is looking more like a faulty afm problem for me now.
  18. Z32 AFM and SAFC-II should work.. in theory. Where's steve-sst when we need him? The difference between cars could be explained by variance in the afm's operating voltage over a (up to) 10 year period. I mean, when the car was new, they had to deal with climates that included seasonal snow, so the afm should really be able to handle cold, dense air without freaking out. That's one possible theory, but it's probably not the right one.
  19. Yeah, i've been hitting the boost cut. Freaks me out everytime. Maybe a winter tune at Barries will sort it. s-afc is turned down across the range already. i can't believe how rich these cars are setup to run factory.
  20. Poor erik. Maybe he'll get the flaking paint problem sorted now. Never thought living near an intersection was so high risk.
  21. Dammit. Was hoping he' d be ok. Its like $200 for a fcd, so i may as well buy a 2nd hand z32 afm and do a dodgey insatll with a 5 knob safc.
  22. Ours car's don't sense boost directly, but measure the air flow load (and density) through the afm. More boost = more air flow = higher afm voltage. So the problem we're having is, sensible boost + super dense air = max afm voltage.
  23. So Aidwin, no fuel cut problems for you in this weather?
  24. Are you talking about something like a turbosmart fcd? Last I knew, you had a s-afc and stock ecu. Come on, tell us the whole story.
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