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Everything posted by Gradenko

  1. Ooh, i can translate this. Background: Erik's driveway begins at a roundabout intersection. Translation: an old lady crashed into my roller door, pushing my R34 inside and hitting the wall. shittttttttttttttt bumper, boot, left light all badly damage, the left part badly damage, my left head light smashed into the wall (just imagine) it, windows scratched. -- Shit, sounds like the RAC advert. Hope it works out ok.
  2. I'm suprised ppl with upgraded turbos and stock afm's (aidwin?, macka?) aren't hitting the fuel cut in the this weather. We can't be flowing more air than them with our stock turbo, maybe our afm's are faulty? You two should go out "testing" tonight and get back to us.
  3. caminperth, I've had this exact same thing happen to me twice in the last week, both times in really cold weather. Your first guess was right, I'm fairly sure its a voltage induced fuel cut. Its harsh too, like someone suddenly slamming the brakes for an instant. A fuel cut defender is very risky. Because the AFM is at max voltage, the ecu really doesn't know how much load the engine is under and so can't fuel it at all well. Like flying blind. The ecu would just see flat 5V coming at it until the flow drops below 5V. The only alternatives are lower boost on cold nights (painful for me with a bleeder), or a Z32 AFM and anything you need to get it working (ecu etc). I've heard of ppl using Z32 AFM's with blue screen SAFC's, and the SAFC II definetly supports it, but I think it'd be a cludge to get it working with our 5 dial jobbies. It could work though, the Z32 AFM's are still 0-5V, just using a different scale. The ecu can figure out closed loop for itself and the SAFC can compensate everywhere else. But it is still a huge cludge.
  4. Here's Nissans explanation of HICAS. (Taken from sales spin for a US model 240sx).
  5. I'm not convinced Nissan went to any great lengths designing that plenum. Sure, it worked out well that air flow distribution was equal, but it seems to me their number one design goal was shortening the distance from ic to tb. The inside of the stock plenum doesn't have any special deflectors or flow distributors (AFAIK), and like I mentioned, there doesn't seem to be anything stopping it from behaving like a JZ plenum. Just in case, I'll clean and flow the injectors, installing the highest flow for cylinder 6 (cause its most likely to run lean) and lowest flow for cylinder 1.
  6. IMHO, yes, its definetly worth removing 1m or so of piping, even if its means using a cut'n'shut. In any case, I'll post a objective review after its done. Specifically looking at power gain after tuning (if any) and change in throttle response. Could also put it on a flowbench to check flow distribution. Anyone know of a place that'll do it at mates rates? Take a look at 1JZ and 2JZ plenums. From the outside they look remarkably similar to our cut'n'shut job.
  7. VSPEC, not a problem. R33 Impul, I pm'd at 03:00AM 29-05-2003, but I only posted on the thread today.
  8. Sorry fellas. Unless theres a catastrophic failure in my budgeting system, the cut'n'shut is spoken for.
  9. I just bought 5L of visco 5000. The specs look good on paper (https://www.distributor.bp.com.au/wls/servl...?cid=13&scid=14), but the true test is how it works out in real life use. I've had enough of paying $50+ for Mobil 1, so I'm switching if this stuff delivers the goods. (Unless Strich9ine can get us all a piece of that $35 Mobil action ).
  10. Sorry cam, I really do think sau would be a better place if all the ricers turned over and died.
  11. Do I really have to answer this? Most ppl already know my opinion on this and theres not much point starting another big bun fight. For the record: If we lose a thousand to gain fifty like us, then its worth it. (All IMHO. I have no real say in the matter, its just my opinion).
  12. Whoa. No need to get worked up Zanda and Cam. I'm of the opinion, as most ppl I've met are, stickers = rice and rice = funny. When you see ppl laughing at a car with stickers, they aren't laughing with them, they're laughing at them. BTW, if the people we are turning away are ricers, so be it.
  13. SHUTO- BOY, you been there? Or you being dodgy?
  14. skyzerr33, haven't read this read? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...=&postid=271555
  15. It started off in newsgroups to save people from accidently reading spoilers. Yvxr va Natry ynfg avtug, jura jr svaq bhg OvtOnq vfa'g urer gvrq gb Pbaare ohg gb Natry.
  16. I guess, but not drinking is going to suck.
  17. Boostzor, We still down for Velvet Lounge tonight? Here's what Dave Miller had to say about domenico de clario (blindfolded piano guy) in the aesoteric mail out: -- the lulling sounds of domencio's piano drift their way into background records artist dave miller's powerbook in the performance. he effects the input real-time, layers upon layers of piano are added to make a rich and full sound. "he reminds me a bit of dettinger in the way that all his sounds seem run through a sieve, bottled, frozen, and sprayed through an atomizer. his rhythms, too - from the kompakt triplets to the headstrong, skipping garage touches - are as squirrelly and inventive as anything out there, from soft pink truth to perlon." (phillip sherburne(the wire/xlr8r) needle drops ) two artists from completely different spectrums of the music and arts disciplines, the result will be a dynamic work that is both emotive and innovative. --
  18. OMG, Thursdays Full Frequency on RTR (3-5pm) kiks ass! Down with HH and D&B, long live underground house.
  19. GTS-t VSPEC, yeah, i know the difference, just never heard of a oil catch can being recirculative *only*.
  20. GTS-t VSPEC, oil catch can vs oil breather. Never heard of the distinction before. I know of the filtering kind, but sucking filtered oil vapours back into the intake kinda defeats the purpose for me. If you're going to break the law, may as well go and break it properly.
  21. GTS-t VSPEC, yeah a quick pm would be good. Its how I'm keeping track.
  22. SHUTO- BOY, lots of cars, s13, s14, s15, r32, r34, fc, fd, jxa90, jxa100, old soarer, new soarer and a bugger load of ae86's. No black mr-2s. There's one red aw11, but it was a pretty poor showing.
  23. GTS-t VSPEC, drift footage is proffesional quality. Run the gibberish through a ROT-13 decoder and see who did the filming.
  24. GTS-t VSPEC, vacum through the oil breather hose? I sure hope you've blocked off/pulled out your pcv valve, cause otherwise you're just sucking oil vapour and unfiltered air back into the plenum chamber. If you've yanked the pcv, then there shouldn't be much vacum to worry about. I'd still be getting heavy duty hose instead of the clear stuff. Looks a whole lot more "stock" whith thick black hose and no chance of hot oil causing problems.
  25. So no one else wants a drifting svcd? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...=&postid=271282
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