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Everything posted by Gradenko

  1. Boostzor, was more like 1/4 grouse and 1/2 mccoy, but with 5 cans of the evil green shit in between (vb *urgh*). Whats up with you guys wanting to enter a rice show? Take a stand against rice!
  2. 8 Tilli Place, Welshpool (I think)
  3. GTS-t VSPEC, I try to help where I can skyzerr33, I didn't know yours was painted. Who did the job? I don't mind if mine starts peeling, only cost me a can of paint and a couple of hours of my time. If I have to do it again, I may go black with clear coat, gt-nik styles.
  4. Its Nissan gun metal - as close to black as I could find without being black. Not clear coated and smoothed back with polish either, matt finish suits it better.
  5. The o-ring looks like its vital to seal the solenoid to the chamber. Can't use gasket paper because the solenoid has to push against the spring loaded valve (tight clearance). Not a huge drama though, your local hardware shop or Repco will have replacement rings.
  6. skyzerr33, have you checked out the boots jay95 is selling? Don't know how they compare to pauls ($15 for Pauls may be better value), but the leather Jay uses is good stuff. Hell of a lot better than the factory vinyl stuff. Lets compare boots at the next cruise Oh yeah, my peeling dash pissed me right off, so I sat down and painted it over the holidays. Its not rice, I swear!
  7. Add me to the kinda-Malaysian-but-not-quite list too. 4NGI3, I'm trying to work out from your posts if you're female not. If you are, watch out for GTS-t VSPEC - he'll try and pimp you out in the blink of an eye.
  8. *hic* Its far too early to be up.
  9. Oops! http://www.8ung.at/lsgfan/0319/Britney-Spears1.jpg http://www.8ung.at/lsgfan/0319/GennaDavis-...CelebSlueth.jpg http://www.8ung.at/lsgfan/0319/GennaDavis-...CelebSlueth.jpg
  10. "Who likes short shorts..." (J-Lo does!) http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN16.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN12.JPG And the rest: http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN09.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN10.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN11.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN13.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN14.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN15.JPG http://people.freenet.de/nat01/nero1/Jenni...ferLopezN17.JPG
  11. But not half as fit as Miss Kreuk: http://www.selfmastertools.de/members/2796...in_Kreuk_08.jpg http://www.selfmastertools.de/members/2796...in_Kreuk_09.jpg http://www.selfmastertools.de/members/2796...in_Kreuk_10.jpg
  12. And T'pol is well hot. http://www.home.no/soregroover/blalock.htm
  13. Like Kylie? http://www-public.tu-bs.de:8080/~y0011143/...ogue_C02_89.jpg
  14. Why, so you can sit around trying to sober up? Bah, I'm going to go pass out somewhere. Go, go, Dai Jiro!
  15. yep, me too
  16. lol at the cow joke. > So i sez "Listen buddy, your car was upsidedown when we got here and as for your Grandma, she shouldnt have mouthed off like that!" Whats this from?
  17. Adrian_perth, if its just the little bits you're painting then thats not too bad. Strichnine was saying how he lost value on his old car cause he riced the dash. Loud colours are all well and good, but only a fellow ricer is going to like it Lots of $$ on Merli's ride - first 3 things on the list are like $10G.
  18. Hey VSPEC, seen Merli's setup? http://www.fortheboyz.com/cars/merli.php Seems quite well sorted.
  19. Adrian_perth, what brand primer and paint you using? Got clear coat? You know that blue is going to look totally ricey, right? I tried looking for paint at Bunnings but they had SFA.
  20. Not related to up-and-coming rally action, but lol, this is funny: http://www.bloggerheads.com/pretzels.asp Why send bother with an assination when you can buy Bush a pretzel.
  21. Which should even out with the crud auto no2 is mixed with, right? I'm thinking the only reason auto no2 is so friggin expensive is cause its taxed to all hell.
  22. Anyone know the diff between medical grade nitrous and automotive stuff? (Apart from auto stuff making you want to throw up).
  23. Yeah, nitrous for the volvo rev, not the 'line. How we sposed to catch you when you're on the giggle gas? Give us a half a chance at least
  24. Hairy lie detector? lol, thats a new one.
  25. Yeah, I was hunting through the options for something to turn images in sigs off only, but it doesn't exist. We get all or nothing . Those pics in sigs suck big time.
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