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Everything posted by Gradenko

  1. lol "Its gold I tell ya. Gold Jerry, gold!" - Banya
  2. I prefer the term Rice Nazi rather than Rice Police . Its a good idea pva, but maybe target riced 'lines only. Other makes of rice are too commonplace and aren't too interesting to me. If we get a decent collection of riced 'lines, open up a Hall of Shame where we can display them. --- Yeah, all finished with exams. Woohoo! ---
  3. You guys are seedy, seedy people. Palm (sorta a notebook, I guess) "Wait. This isn't a Wizard, its a Wilard!" - Marty Seinfeld
  4. The Blitz has the worst filtration. The HKS has the worst flow and the 2nd worst filtration. Go the K&N (IMHO). I've heard from a very good source that certain cheap cotton/oil pod filters made in 3rd world countries are able to make more power than any other filter. Able to make more power than even an open pipe! Don't have any brand names, but they're the style that have a funnel shaped opening on the end. Don't believe me? Ask SST.
  5. Bloody hell. [whips out Palm] You were saying corner of which road Hicks?
  6. R33_Cam, that sucks. Maybe you can get legal advice and press charges after he's done being a witness. Any chance of finding out his name (and address)?
  7. Yes, there may very well be. Graylands (Psychiatric) Hospital Brockway Road Mt Claremont, 6010 Tel: 9347 6600 I'm sure they accept self-admittance
  8. Not directed at you. OK, I'm going to have to say "Not directed at R33_Cam", everytime I mention neons from here on in . PSIKO, don't know why you deleted your post, but nope, I don't drive a two tone green 'line with xspeed sticker. Sounds like a familiar car though. Not initialD's?
  9. Macka, I saw a R33 with a GTR wing that had a side plate (on the wing) that said "GTS-25t", with 25 in red. Looked good. I'll try and find a pic for ya.
  10. This is what's going to happen if a riceboy takes me to court because I called them an assclown: Judge: Is it true you called the defendent an assclown? Me: Yes, yes it is. Judge: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Me: Yes your honour. View exhibit one, a picture of the defendents car. [Judge views a picture of a stickered, winged, fiberglassed, neoned 'line] Judge: You're right, case dissmissed. S13s are the reason I started my crusade. I have it on good infomation that the Yahoo S13 mailing list has gone to buggery, with such classic rice posts as "Which blue bulbs are best for my headlights?". I'll be damned if i let SAU turn to such disrepair. For the record, (this if for you adam32 ), I layed down my first bit of anti'line abuse down today. Spotted a R32 GTS-t with GTR bits and a GTR badge outside Clancys Canning Hwy. Had me going for a bit, but the lack of centre console dials and no flared guards confirmed it. Ricer!
  11. Abuse can be dished out tactfully or in the bogan shouting-out-a-window style. Neither will have you end up in court fighting a verbal abuse case, if you use your head. BTW, abuse is the passive method of dealing with this problem. The active method involes all manner of things I'd rather not mention in a public forum.
  12. Who's to say a ricer can't be fast? A NA 911 with a turbo badge is still a ricer. Say a commodore with a GTR badge handed me my ass, I'd have no problems telling my friends I lost to a riceboy. Being a riceboy is far more shameful than losing a race. Of course, its every individuals right as a human being. So that makes their actions unquestionable? Can't we comment on thier stupidity without being told to shut up? I have no problem with ricers... until they make a mockery of something I have a vested intrest in. The bad taste of 'line ricers has an impact on Skyline owners everywhere. Heres my proposal: If you're a 'line owner, abuse every 'line ricer you see. That should send the msg across loud and clear- ricing a 'line is not "cool"!
  13. I guess if someone felt the need for fibreglass, a gtr kit is a good, if not better, than any of the others. The gtr kit doesn't look odd or out of place on a skyline (esp r32s), unlike some of the more fancy jap namebrand ones. aw11, I started this topic to discount the pathetic defence ricers fallback onto time after time - "to each their own". And i especially wanted to target skyline ricers. Lets not involve other cars into this. If we make 'line ricing as socially unacceptable as drink driving is, I, for one, would be a lot more happy. "If you rice, and then drive, you're a bloody idiot".
  14. lol I just checked the results... theres one person here who likes George Michael I think macka meant Lancer GLi. In the early models, the MR was the only 2 door to get the "big" (1.8) engine. Besides, that car wasn't riced - no evo kits or big ass wings there. What is a lemma... I just stepped out of a Theoretical CS exam yesterday, hence I have theorems, corollaries and lemmas coming out of my ears.
  15. Ah, is this in no way directed at you. We already made peace in the last thread This is more a problem with IMACUL8 and moderators that won't let me end with a decent argument (yeah, thats you Boostzor ). Again, R33_Cam, this poll is not directly aimed at you. And in the face of popular belief, I believe that every individual is free to do what they want to their car. What I'm looking out for is the Skyline community as a whole.
  16. Dude, thats just not kosher (Not that I don't condone it).
  17. Whoops, that should be "> 10 beers". Theres a six pack left in the carton plus a coulple in the fridge. My friends are soft, so I didn't get a chance to drink the rest
  18. Nup. He's talking trash. Speed camera operators are civil servants, just ordainary citizens like you and me. Should have stopped and explained to him in great detail what you thought of him and his craft.
  19. Yeah, it tends to get that way after the 10th 5% beer Finished my last exam today and got hell trashed watching epII and lotr: extended on dvd. I just hope the moderators don't close this down before we get some decent results.
  20. To me, that phrase is an insult. The rice boys unproven theorem. Heres a lemma: Those who call "To each thier own" are **jackasses**.
  21. Dude, its not like I sit here thinking up derogatory names for people. I saw the car and it was literally the first word that sprung to mind, "assclown". "Each to their own" is favorite term among ricers the world over. Its understandable if the car came with neons when you bought it, but if you paid hard earned money for them... Forget about the negative image it has on Skylines. Forget about the stereotypical judgements cops make on Skylines when they see your car with neons. Forget even about the possible road saftey issues. Keep using them, I say. It'll make all the plain jane R33s look all the more elegant (or as elegant as a whale can look ). 25GTT, adam 32 has it in essence. The definitive guide to rice boys: http://www.riceboypage.com/what_is_riceboy/
  22. Oh dear. Not you as well.:slap:
  23. Headlights? No, its completely ok, even encouraged, to have them on during the day. Check the relevant ADR. Also, no Australian delivered or complianced car should have driving lights coming on with head lights. Perhaps they're parking lights, like on Boostzor's JZA70 Supra.
  24. Gradenko


    Sounds like a plan, might be joining ya
  25. Ppl, RB20LagWagon is totally correct. We shouldn'y be worried about lancers and the like when the real problem is riced up Skylines in our own backyard. And the problem isn't going to get any better. With the price dropping all time, younger drivers are getting into them and their the ones who think stickers == cool. The only thing we can hope for is that the new import regs slow down the import of new cars (to keep out vale up) and that insurance stays ridiculously high (to keep exculsivity up). At the risk of sounding anitsocial, who's the assclown in the R33 with underbody neons at the last cruise?
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