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Everything posted by gdogzgtr

  1. IMO Lots of cars get EPA'd because how easy it is to do. I could fill out form in 1 minute and have you get a full EPA test of your car. In relation to noise all we need is your Rego and a time/place and that's it.
  2. Dandy Exhausts in Cheltenham Road as mentioned before. I have had a few different imports and had all exhausts done there and they were very good to deal with.
  3. I work in general duties in eastern suburbs. First point of proof for any offence is ID so we can arrest/detain anyone who has committed any offence until we are satisfied with their ID. 458 of Crimes Act. TBH Most members probably because they are lazy would generally go about things similar to female member and in most cases wouldn't even be bothered chasing person up afterwards for stating false name.
  4. I must say that letting the driver go who didn't have ID was pretty stupid. I don't know if it's laziness or incompetence that she just took a photo and did checks later on. I have had similiar things plenty of times and always bring person back to station (arrest) until ID is confirmed and then issues fines etc.
  5. I just watched the episode and must say that catching up with the stolen bike and rider from pursuit was bloody good work. Probably too dangerous to have camera's out with me at present as things insane like cops show. My last week had pursuits with stolen car with the car deliberately ramming me at one stage, Brawl at hotel with 300+ people fighting in about 10 separate brawls (all going at once) having to OC foam a number of people, gate crashers at party having brawl and smashing up house, car crashes with drunk driver's into shops, stabbings along with number of drink driver's and noraml daily stuff all in one week.
  6. gdogzgtr


    I have heard today that now cars can be impounded and penalty notice issued to driver. Previously my knowledge was that if a car was impounded driver was to be charged with relevent offence and brought before a court. I heard this was to increase impound levels and speed up the process and clear courts up. If this is true I would expect a dramatic increase in impounds as all the work for police done at time, Compared to having to compile brief of evidence to court.
  7. Mate I would do a check and if car unreg even 1 day. I would issue a fine it's one of the few things we have NO leaniency with. Unreg= No TAC/INS coverage. If it was paid fair enough. I really couldn't care about issuing defects unless car in really bad/dangerous way or owned by known crooks.
  8. I can't feel sorry for him here. If you know the area and I do as I work there there is a Major problem with people "Double Parking" along Kingsway. Everytime I drive through there we tell at least 3-4 people double parked to move along as the whole street practically comes to standstill due to this. I have only issued a couple of fines for this as the people were out of the car collecting their take away. Even had one person in unregistered car doing this. I was nice and warned him for double parking as he got a $584 fine for unregistered instead.
  9. If someone refused to open bonnet for me and had attitude I would simply send them in for full epa test. I don't have time now days to even bother with doing much traffic stuff. I only pull someone over if they have committed offence that I probably should fine them for or generally I check cars with crooks in that I am more interested in finding drugs/weapons or stolen goods. If that's no good it's always good to NOU their vehicle. Members from city leaving as the extra 100-150 police on weekends on overtime shifts on their days off. Previous to that the city was controlled by about 15 police for the same periods. It will happen again as violence will dramatically increase once the police presence dies off again.
  10. I can't get into too many specifics but overland has dramatically reduced force numbers and is reducing the uniform general duties numbers almost every week. More and more special squads that are absolutely NO use to anyone and just taking away numbers out on the beat. There is more than enough people interseted in joining force with at some stages up to 2000 people on waiting list for academy after successfully completing all stage of the application process. The government just doesn't want to hire more police. TMU will never get diverted away from their traffic role as they are revenue raisers and that's their role so no complaining about that. TMU only comprise of very small amount of members anyway. Until the hiracy of the force and goverment change and give police the power back and courts actually give some real sentances to these offenders the whole situation will only get worse.
  11. The government and force command have made the force very weak in these situations. We have one member at work who is old school former Mr Victoria and boxer who has been instructed not to even check certain local crooks because they complained stating he was intimidating and harrassing them. I call searching a known drug dealer every time we see them good police work, now days that's seen as harrassment and we're told to leave him alone, little wonder why the force is so weak. It's all the softly softly approach brought in by NIXON and that's not going to change any time soon. Now days even these street thugs have more rights than police and then get nothing at court that's why we HATE dealing with assaults. I was taught by senior members when I joined never to rush to a brawl "let them fight it out" and it's sad that most of the time this is how most members treat it also mos tare too lazy to do the work. If I go to brawl in area where I work there could be 5 police units coming and in 90% of the time I arrive first because nobody is willing to do the work and whoever turns up first gets all the paperwork. It's hard for me to stay motivated when I do 10 times the work of most others in my area and they get paid the same and they finish on time and I end up with overtime most days and come into work in my own time to keep up to date. It's very sad and scary to know when you are getting bashed the police coming are all trying not to get there first.
  12. I didn't want to say it but Justin has hit the nail on the head in relation the the backgrounds of 90% of these offenders. It's something our culture is not used to and the more multi cultural we become the more gang/group assaults and especially assaults with weapons we will have. I don't believe in rehabilitation of offenders but know that if you lock someone up for 10 years they can't commit any further assaults or offences for that time. Almost everyone involved in these violent assaults generally have history of violent offences and have not received any punishment at court and as such continue to offend. This is a huge issue we have at present and not just with assaults there is a major increase in repeat offenders due to this lack of punishment.
  13. Mate this tpye of thing happens quite often generally with registrations that are paid on expiriy date. I pull over lots of cars that come up unregistered and they have paid rego by b-pay and obviously vic roads have not processed it. I would also issue fine in that and this case and I just explain to send in copy of renewal, b-pay receipt details to civic compliance on stat dec and fine will be withdrawn. That way I am covered because records show unreg/unlic and as long as rego/lic paid then easy enough for fine to get withdrawn.
  14. Firstly I will say that the fine is $227 and 3 demerit points as I just looked in penalty guide book couple of days ago. If you drive manual on Auto licence trust me if you are intercepted police WILL notice. I check every probationary license to see if Auto conditions and check if car is auto or not. Pretty small fine I think around $115 and no demerit points. I won't comment on red "p" green "p" etc as I haven't bothered to check into it. Too many laws changing all the time and whether "p" plater driving turbo car doesn't really bother me too much.
  15. In realtion to different departments we have Uniform general duties, TMU, CIU, differnt major crime squads, K9, Air wing, Water Police, Mounted Branch, local DTU, Embona (armed RObbery), Youth LIason, Multi Cultural, Gay liason, SOCAU, Analysts etc etc the list goes on. The ONLY ones that will attend to help you when you call 000 are GENERAL DUTIES most others won't even assist us when it's their criteria. I think out of 11, 000 police only about 20% are general duties. Alot of these are new area's and have come in under Christine Nixon that's why on paper we are not down on members but were are in reality about 3000 down on general duty uniform members.
  16. I almost don't know where to start. I would say that out of almost 37,000 Vic pol members over time probably less than 100 have been charged with offences making them corrupt. If you judge corruption on if members pulls over someone speeding and it's one of their mates and lets them off with warning then 100% would be judged corrupt. I have no doubts that public becoming more and more frustrated with police everyday as everything we deal with takes more and more time and thus tying up the units giving much worse reponse times. TMU almost always free to pull over cars and fine them as that's all they do and for them to pull over car and issue fine takes them less than 5 minutes. Most TMU won't even come up and take on accident making the general duties van tied up with that also ontop of the other jobs we have and again leaving them free to pull over cars. I could be tied up all shift easily with one offender depending on situation. Meaning 8 hours with no police covering up to 5 suburbs that I normally cover. That leaving one unit to cover 10 suburbs and they can easily get offender too tying them up. It's almost luck of the draw with police reponse times. Sometimes we might get there in couple of minutes if we are free and close by and other times all units tied up and could be long time. I guess I am good and bad I get to lots of jobs fast and catch lots of offenders in doing so but then I am tied up with those offenders for long time meaning all other jobs then have to wait. You are also right most members will do almost anything to avoid catching offenders as they are TOO lazy to do the assciated paperwork. As I have been so busy I have had to start doing paperwork in my days off and before/after work unpaid, doesn't always encourage us to work hard. Depends on the member but the sad thing is 90% lazy these days. Our other problem is most CIU are super LAZY and most of the time won't even attend scene of incidents or take good offenders like Armed Robbers etc on which is their only role, leaving us in general duties to do it. We have had 2 Sgt's at our station retire recently due to these issues with no units to cover jobs and MORE and MORE paperwork in relation to everything we do making public safety pretty much impossible at present.
  17. gdogzgtr

    Hoon Laws

    I would say on average in Victoria we are having around 20+ pursuits everyday. Not all related to traffic matters but major increase than couple of years ago. We having HUGE problems in eastern suburbs with 15-18 y.o stealing VN Coommodores and deliberately getting into pursuits and they are rediculously dangerous they way they drive. I have abandoned chasing them twice when they drove at 160+ in 80 zone at night and turned lights off also. Both times they t-boned cars running red lights shortly afterwards. Luckily and miracle that nobody died. (Not really related to topic just wanted to share what's happening on our roads) I have been involved in recent times with one simply because his car was unregistered and he was scared. A Drink driver who was same sort of situation and motor bike rider just out to "hoon" around (he got away) It's something I haven't seen or heard of until last year or two. I expect a pursuit if following stolen car etc but not for someone driving an unregisted car.
  18. gdogzgtr

    Hoon Laws

    Since the introduction of the Hoon Laws (impounding) I have noticed a significant increase in high speed pursuits with numerous pursuits engaged for traffic matters. It's alomost becoming a daily situation with cars caught speeding etc that will drive at 150km/h++ run red lights etc to get away from police to avoid thier vehicle been impounded. Obviously it shows the driver's mentality and general lack of public safety to be driving in way to get vehicle impounded in first place but it becoming increasingly clear that they will almost go to any extreme to avoid being apprehended in some cases. I guess it's a huge increase in punishment with 3rd offence car gone for good could be $100,000 car etc and previously all they were looking at was fine and license suspension. I can't imagine anyone in that 3rd strike situation especially in expensive car not trying everything to get away. We obviously have strick instructions with pursuits as to whether to continue or abandon them but all it would take is first few seconds car to run red light and crash killing car load of others for simple traffic offence. I know that most on here are aginst the new laws and I guess I am saying that I personally believe they have not the deterent effect that was initially believed and in most cases making the raods more dangerous.
  19. Mate, I wouldn't say it's illegal to do what they did. Lazy and stupid yes but not illegal. As stated before if it had caused collision wouldn't have been good but I'm sure they would have just denied it. It's probably good more lazy members like this if you have modified cars. Not going to get NOU, EPA or fined if they are too lazy to do it.
  20. I see it from the inside and I can tell you 90% of members do as little as possible and everything to avoid work. I am personally getting very frustrated with it at present. Things so bad that you even struggle to get back up unit when your at say big brawl or man armed with knife and call out for help and nobody even wants to come and help you. I have been that busy that I have probably only pulled over 10 cars in last 10 shifts on road. I have become a magnet and catch crooks at almost everyjob I go to. Probably because I actually go to the jobs and get there as fast as I can so try to catch them. Most of these jobs too have been out of my area and other's units have been given the job become magically tied up or get there as slow as possible so we end up doing all the work. It's also been hard with the fires because most people instead of geting their days off have been made to do 12 hr shifts up at fires and then work the normal shifts on top of that. I ended up working 70 hrs O/T in one fornnight ontop of my normal shifts with overtime processing crooks and overtime at fires and only had 2 days off in 25 days at one stage. I've had days when I have worked 20 hrs straight becasue I caught 5 offenders at end of shift then had to be back in 5 hours ended up working 13 hours after that because of more crooks and my next shift which was rostered day off was another 8 hrs turn around to work 13 hrs at fires. I just wanted to give you little insite to how things are at present. Morale and work ethic worst it's been by a mile since I have been in the job.
  21. Field contacts will last forever on your record. As soon as we check a car that has been field contacted it shows up straight away even before owner details. I haven't heard of people submitting them on people just for driving around. It is possible that it could be done but I would only say that if major ongoing "Hoon" behaviour at specific time and place and you are found there at that time/place just janging around etc. It's more to link crooks that hang around together and loitering around certain area's so we know who's around and who's together for investigation/information gathering. As stated most of time my colleagues just trying to scare you.
  22. Our records show when your vehicle was checked and by whom. It doesn't say as to the reason for it being checked. Once we check your D/L it will show driving history for example charges, fines demerit points etc doesn't go into much detail though just the basic fine/charge not the circumstances or anything like that. Hope that helps
  23. If the photo's were of engine bay etc and NOU/Fine issued for same then yes the photographs would have been taken for evidence. That's the only reason we would take photo's.
  24. I will upset a few of my colleagues but there is NO "Hoon" list or Black flagging number plates. What we can do is a Field Contact on a Car and that would register everytime the car is checked. If someone could be bothered doing that as it takes about 15 minutes of paperwork then your car would be linked to the behaviour you were doing at the time you were intercepted. This is mainly done for crooks hanging around certain area's, people somking marijuana in their car etc. I don't know wnyone that has done one for driving matters but I guess it could be done if ongoing "hoon" behaviours at certain location/times and you are checked there. Hope this helps.
  25. Photo's don't come up on licence checks for police at time of intercept as you have stated, but unless car is registered to you and you have other forms of ID and give your Name, address, DOB and possibly prior offence history then police won't accept the details you have given them and can arrest you and take you back to the station to confirm your ID. Back at station we can get photo of you from Vic Roads website. Once ID confirmed you will be released. I get this occasionally and that's how I deal with it. So I don't really see a loophole. If the police member doesn't do as I have stated and confirm your ID then it's their problem and could lose at court as our first point of proof for any offence it ID. Hope that answers your question.
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