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Everything posted by JNR24

  1. Babbay61, No diffrence between them! part numbers are the exaclty the same. the only diffrence is if you mention i want to buy a VL "turbo" fuel pump, they will slug you a extra $40. my mate at dysons rotars even flow tested them. hope that helps, trev
  2. Hi guys, This is really anoyying me now. i have tryed some glass cleaning shit & it still hazes and looks dirty. Anyone know what stuff gets it off & where to buy it? Thanks guys
  3. / Free bump / Danny looks after this car more than his misus! Very clean, one of the only guys i know that spends $80 on motor oil! stock, never touched, perfect.!
  4. Nop, single XF throttle.
  5. JNR24

    Calder park

    and il be laughing when i do a 10 sec pass. so shut your neck! !!
  6. JNR24

    Calder park

    luck of the draw.... you win some & you loose some. Perfect intercooler weather but. (8 Degrees) & dry track! dont worry you guys can laugh @ me once my beast is on the road! =P
  7. JNR24

    Calder park

    HAHAHHAHAH thats shhickk
  8. JNR24

    Calder park

    HAHAHAHAHHA you should off come out man. everyone went straight to chaple from the drags! ROFL people doing demos in the safeway carpark! it was going oofff!
  9. JNR24

    Calder park

    HAHAHAHHAHA Bigger & Better things! ROFL! A VL Commodore! =) Yeh me & paul (s) rang you up from chaple! i was tanked so i thought i would see if you wanted to come out! hahahah
  10. Sydney kid, This is what i am doing at the moment. I have taken the throttles & intake manifold off on the RB26Plenum and i have cut the runners off on the RB25 about one inch or so in. now i will just get it all sitting at the right length and then i will weld it up (alloy welded of corse) & get it polished. take a look below:
  11. JNR24

    Calder park

    Hey danny, you were running 14PSI you lying ****! =P And 34-GTR i saw your first run. =( 15.00..... and then your second 13.?? then your last 12.?? was it your first time down the quater? you ran pretty well dude, noticed your changes were a little late through your changes. and on your first run i heard the revlimiter on every gear! =) Never the less you made it into the low -12s witch you should be more than happy with.
  12. JNR24

    Calder park

    ROFL did you see my mates CRX there?? Pulled a 17.9 LOL! plates: URMYHO
  13. A littel off topic: 1.st question: Do "arias" make a set of NA pistons? for RB30. i went to www.rocketindustires.com.au and found them but they only say "tubro" and there is no RB30DE listing. 2nd Question: What pistons do you guys recommend running? a set of NAs or the Turbo flattops?? NA:s 8.3:1 Turbos: 7.8:1 I currently going to be running a T04E on there but looking to run a GT3540. What set do you guys think i should run? Cheers, Trev
  14. you cant use it dude it wont fit, and you wouldnt want too. It wouldnt flow hard enough dude. unless you get a Jun adapter.
  15. Thats it! Its fairly straight forward. I am running a XF throttle (65MM) on mine and i am running it on the front of plenum with a adapter plate made for it.
  16. You cant run a stock RB26 intake/plenum on a RB25 head. (RB26 plenum& intake run a 6 butterfly throttle setup) i have done the RB26 plenum with a RB25 intake manifold & that works a treat.
  17. JNR24

    Calder park

    Are you runnning GTR-34??
  18. JNR24

    Calder park

    Are you going adrian? send me your mobs number to : [email protected] Danny if you touch my account iam gona come down to iprimus and snap your neck.
  19. JNR24

    Calder park

    ROFL!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAA GT40 will last 35mins on that stock 3liter bottem -end! Not to mention that you will have to spend at least another 3K to manage it & fuel it! Danny why bother!?? il eat you!.
  20. JNR24

    Calder park

    long time no see adrian!! I am not sure about the history of this car dude... might be, he is from eastern suburbs and the car was feutured on fullboost.com. il post some pics...
  21. JNR24

    Calder park

    ROFL!! As soon as the cars finished STRAIGHT TO CHERRY LANE! =) il fugen munch you!
  22. JNR24

    Calder park

    ROFL!! Danny your car MIGHT break into the 13.9999998 =) Jasons twin turbo 4.0liter ford is gona be there! (367RWKW @ 7PSI!) should be intresting to see what it runs. iam going for sure!
  23. *unsubribes from this thread* he hasnt replyed since th 12th of last month. like 34 days now..... I think were never gona get pics, & no questions will be replyed to.
  24. Intresting, you right RHETT, but your number plate isnt obstructed. It remains perfectly viewable during the day (and is really hard to spot if you use the spray). and there is no aussie law to say that your license plate has to be photogenic either. I think that its not that much benifit for us anyway, as 3/4 of our speed cameras are now flashless anyways. In this case would only be good for redlights and oldschool cameras. Just dont speed, simple.
  25. RB25DET does.
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