yeah but got to do the inside aswell,
was out driving last night all night, having some fun on winding roads in the mazda,
we then i begun hearing this strange noise from the engine bay, not ticking or anything, just like a continoues noise whenever i put the foot down, it sounded alot like wind,
ohwell so we opened up the engine bay after the mountain run and what was there,
GLOWING, bright fricken red, turbo and exhaust manifold GLowing, many people say they havent seen it in person but what i saw last night was pretty cool,
thats what u get for having a t23 sized turbo revving at 4500 for longer than 5 minutes
well we let it sit for 10 minutes to get the nice glow dissapering
it was interesting because it seemed like boost was coming on better and stronger with it glowing
ohwell what can you do
cheers nick
p.s i think we took some photos but they are shit and cant see anything in the engine bay besides small glow behind heat sheat
ill post em soon