R32 GTR Nismo Front Upper Arms
Have sold my R32 GT-R ages ago been sitting around in my bed room taking up some space.Bought these second hand, have not fitted to my car before.
Looks to be in good condition with no noticeable leaks.
- $170
Also have some other R32 GTR bits and pieces laying around that I may have so please ask me I may have the part you need.
Some GTR parts are inter changable to GT st's as well.
Some parts that I have but have not listed.
Nismo - clutch line, used for a month before replacing with a full clutch line - $50
Brand New - R32 Brake master cylinder - $80
Brand New - Nismo Clutch Pedal assembly - $110
Used Olinns Front Shocks with lowered springs - $220
HKS - EVC III control unit only - $155
Pick up or can Post
Located - Campbelltown / Birrong
Have pics of other items ask if you need to see them