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Everything posted by RCHOO

  1. Head up guys . We are still looking for volunteers to held run the day. Head to the DECA volunteers thread and sho some interest . Cheers WayneO
  2. Cheers Brad. Say thanks to Taylor also
  3. Ok guys Not long to go now But we still are looking for volunteers. A few hand have gone up but not enough. Get on it.
  4. GreatShe maybe able to help me out with timing in the afternoon.
  5. I will . What's your dads name ?
  6. Awesome guys. The morning works for me.
  7. Guys don't forget we are after people to help run the day. So if you coming up and bringing a mate , girlfriend ,boyfriend, mum or dad get them to help us out. Cheers... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/429716-deca-officials-volunteers/
  8. DECA time again Saturday 9th Nov 2013 So once again we ask for your assistance For this event to run SMOOTH on TIME and SAFELY we need a small group of volunteers (Officials ) to help run the day. With out the help of volunteers we can not run these days. Officials are needed in 3 sections in the morning and 1 section in the afternoon. All Officials on the day will be supplied with drinks and lunch. An Officials briefing will be held before the Drivers briefing so all volunteer Officials will need to be at the DECA complex by 8.30 am on the Saturday morning the 9th of November So if your thinking about coming up for a look and not competing this is a great way to get up close to the action. Also if your competing and bringing a friend or 3 it would be great if they could put there hand up to help out on the day. So i would like to have as many volunteers as possible so i can give people a break during the day . So if this sounds like you or your friends post up in here or PM me and i will put you on the list. Cheers WayneO. MORNING SKIDPAN STARTER.. TIMMER...... FINISHER.. MINI WANG.. STARTER..... TIMMER....... FINISHER.... MARSHAL... LONG WANG STARTER... TIMMER...... FINISHER.... SPOTTER 1 .. SPOTTER 2.. SPARE.. AFTERNOON SKIDPAN STARTER.... TIMMER........ TIMMER,,, FINISHER FINISHER
  9. Can you hook me up in Queen spa for Fri/Sat Bec..
  10. RCHOO

    Spotted Thread

    Become a member and you will have a couple sent out in your members pack.
  11. Still after more volunteers guys..
  12. Guys we will have a Espresso coffee van at the venue on Saturday morning at 7.45 So support them and buy your coffee and hot chocolate at deca. Cheers
  13. This will be a huge night..see you all on the night
  14. 7 volunteers...awesome Still looking for a few more..
  15. I will look after them. Let them know I say thank you
  16. That's not good to hear about ya car. But thanks for putting your hand up to be an official
  17. With the amount of officials we have this is all we can do..
  18. I can arrange that.. Tell Ellie thank you very much.
  19. Awesome.. Thank you
  20. Ok It's serious time.. We need people to help run the day. What I'm looking for is for volunteers to help run the morning events . We have the Skidpan.....need 3 people Mini..3 to 4 people Long..5 people At this stage there is only Anna and myself.. So if you have mates/ girlfriends/ boyfriends / mums or dads coming up they will be helping out .. If they don't want to help out leave them at home. Cheers wayne.
  21. Now staying Sunday night as well . Working in Shep on Monday . I will ring and arrange Bec as work is paying.
  22. Guys we need assistance If you have friend a or 2 coming up with you and they could lend a hand that would be fantastic. Link below Cheers Wayne http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/424957-deca-officials-volunteers-1st-june/
  23. Only 11 more spots to fill. Come on people we need your assistance
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