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About (oo\__4Door__/oo)

  • Birthday 20/12/1987

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  • Car(s)
    R32 GTS-T 4Door
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  1. hhahah oh so true mine does the same thing and it is a reminder a little, only eva does it first thing, wat about if u start ur car on a hot summer day wit hot air im pretty sure from memory it does it but alot quicker to jump to the pace, let it warm up u dont notice shit AAC vale cloggin its understandable to U cold start issue i had was fixed wit a new AFM cheers brett
  2. how decent is the lap top? im really interested i live in sydney thou, but proberly can get some one to pick it up
  3. 375 and wat eva delivery is?
  4. engine mods are just basic, zorst, fmic, pod wit a box, yea nahh that was i was sayin for the money u can get alot better gains, im goin to get the stocker machined, yea i like the idea of the cams ha ha, it was just wile it was down i thought id investigate, cheers thhough brett
  5. hahahha yea im just assesing if its worth it... how much it set u back? im lookin at the sports organic, i mean the fly wheel would be good on teh old r20 wit its poor form down low off boost, but ive herd its not worth the momeny for the verry small increase in performaqnce gains, i dont really drag race, i am more downhill run old pac style, cheers brett
  6. when u brake and come to a stop and hold for ove 5 secondsish...... it will fade to parker brightness
  7. chance off fitting a lowered r32 gts 4 door? lol
  8. hey guys if u have one lying around Stainless RB20 Screamer Pipe cheers brett
  9. yea i found that out the hard way, i used a boat cover, thinkin heavy duty will look after my car wile it sits for 3 months Nope!~
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