sorry for the stupid question
but would it still be alrite to use it at track days and stuff... coz its something i dont want to upgrade/repair yet until i decide what i want to do with it? rebuild it or go mechanical 1.5/2 way
my first time in a skyline was about 3 yrs ago.... my mates mate was picking us up from school although it was non-turbo still felt like it went and the sound was great. then last year i was looking at buying a car and took this 32 GTS-t for a drive and loved it ended up being it.
now i have a love/hate relationship with it, when something isnt working or goes wrong i hate it but then wen a nice cool day comes along and i give it a boot my turns into a
my ultimates squeel quiet abit but only under light braking, ive read its also due to the dust that the pads create, not sure though.
would glazed pads squeel? i would have thought that it would make a different sound?
i mite have a look at seeing if the pads are glazed aswell.
wooo first one back.....
was a great cruise, nice work DAN
weather could have been a little better considering its been hot for the last couple of days but it held off for us and turned out quite good.
im in for now... mite aswell cruise up then head to my parents place in lithgow and make it one good trip.
if anyhthing changes ill post it up otherwise im coming
hey sam
would it be worth getting a remap for only the following mods: FMIC, Turbo back exhaust, turbotech boost controller, walbro fuel pump.
dont know yet whether ill upgrade the turbo.
Spotted blk180 (FEAR) on cleveland st yesterday at about 8 or somewhere near.... too late by the time i saw him to give him a wave tried to give a nod though
ive got some ultimates aswell... judging from other ppls experiences its a brake pad that squels quiet a bit, i mite try cross hatching the rotor as BAMR33 mentioned