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Everything posted by SoFreshSoClean

  1. RAM is of much lower significance to good overclocks with sandy bridge CPU's
  2. Sounds like a one-off problem more than anything else, I don't really think it's true as a rule. Although some RAM is specificially designed for 2nd generation Core CPU's that have XMP (Xtreme Memory Profile)
  3. What's everyone's favourite class? Personally I find being an engineer most effective. Any other class just gets raped by vehicles, although being assault is fun keeping everyone alive.
  4. I received this in the mail yesterday for Xbox. So far seems pretty similar to Arkham asylum, which is no bad thing! I loved that game. I've noticed there's a lot more in the way of upgrades and collectables this time around, as well as a Catwoman side storyline. Graphics are excellent for Xbox, seems to make full use of the Unreal engine It's still a huge amount of fun unleashing massive combos on unsuspecting goons. Anyone else got it?
  5. I think the key to enjoying this game is NEVER play it tired. Best way to ruin your stats/create rage
  6. Sorry, but...
  7. If you hold down Ctrl+Alt+S it shows your framerate. I get higher FPS in single player FWIW.
  8. That's your problem right there, I've heard others have had the same problem. Pretty much all monitoring programs (eg Fraps) are causing problems with BF3. I'm running everything on high except ultra textures, SSAO instead of HBAO and NO motion blur (I hate this setting, is it just me?), gets me a solid 75+ fps
  9. I can't comment on BF3 since I've only ever run it on my i5 2500K, but in Bad Company 2, the difference between the i5 rig and my old Q6600 was VERY noticeable, even if frame rates were similiar. It was just a lot more responsive all round.
  10. Technically, if you want to do it as simply as possible, its two clicks. One to open BF3, one to click 'quick match' Not exactly rocket science.
  11. Not as if Xbox gamers are having any better of a time anyways... Sauce
  12. No crashes at all yet, just lag drop-outs.
  13. Sorry but the comment about drivers just isn't true anymore.. NVIDIA drivers are better, sure, but AMD drivers are fine. AMD offers better bang for buck IMO, hard to go past the performance of a 6950 for ~$280. Also Landscribble, you will notice heaps of difference if you upgrade your GPU. BF3 isn't very processor intensive.
  14. Yeah, theres a few bugs, battlelog is farking dodgy at the moment. But when it works its phenomenal. To be honest, console guys arent really even playing the same game, it's a very pale imitation.
  15. Nah, I read somewhere its going to be more expensive.
  16. But really, whoever buys this game for the single player is a numpty. It's really just a bonus at the end of the day. Multi is where it's at yo.
  17. I like single player so far.. but I'm easily distracted by the pretty graphics
  18. I think that might be the case for everywhere that isn't selling the Russian version, which requires registry changes to work in English.
  19. My stupid CD key site says I won't get my key till the 27th. This is, in reality, a good thing as it will prevent me failing this week's uni exams I'm sherbert86 on origin if anyone wants to have a game over the weekend though
  20. Played some split screen at my mates today. I like the new cars and tracks. The level of detail in auto vista mode is insane, seriously looks almost real. Very impressive. We tried putting steering on 'simulation', but it's pretty hard with a control pad. Makes drifting a lot harder, snaps back much quicker. I'm guessing that it's designed for a steering wheel, because we both hated it using the pad. Favourite car so far: Aston Martin One-77. Goes just as hard as it sounds, drifts like a mad thing, looks sweet Things I don't like: STILL no replay mode in split screen, seriously, WTF? Multiplayer always 'defaults' to retarded easy settings which you have to change every time you start it up. Why can't you save profiles? Overall though, it's a worthy upgrade and I'll definitely be buying it
  21. Yeah consoles obviously have the advantage of a loungeroom setup.. way better for kicking back by yourself or some beers and 4 player Halo etc..
  22. All this hoo-hah about 'pc's are too hard to play games on' is such garbage. Set your PC up once right and it'll work great. Sure, drivers need to be updated, but guess what? Consoles have updates too! It's the way things work now.
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