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Everything posted by slo200

  1. Count me in for kicking ya butt round wakefield tosh!! hehe
  2. scrutineering at 8am driver breifing at 9am
  3. what carlo said
  4. yep
  5. WAKEUP EVERYONE !!!!! WE SAID TRACKDAY!! That means you can actually drive your car rather than leave it on a stand all day (since they are performance vehicles and all! ) But i guess skyline owners are more interested in showing there cars than driving them
  6. pics and any more info to [email protected]
  7. Count me in again !!
  8. Pics now up and attached site
  9. My 200SX is up for sale Details are : 98 Build, 99 Complied S14a 200SX Green Low k's Minor mods - 3inch Hi-Tech exhaust - Pod Filter - Unichip piggy back ecu with ebc ( tuned at 11psi ) - Whiteliine Handling pack - Alpine stereo - Slotted Dba rotors with ultimate pads allround - Falken Azenis tyres - Daiken single plate clutch and lightened flywheel -Serviced every 5000kn with motul fluids This car is in IMACULATE condition and has always done me proud.. im asking $25,500 ono I can be contacted on 0418431634 for any other questions.. thankyou Darren
  10. Nice choice Mal! like Merli said- get the V8 bonnet asap, makes em look so much meaner!! oh , and make sure its out at the next "fatz drift day! " Daz
  11. is the afm ready to go ?? whats freight charge from melb to syd??
  12. Was great dinner , thanks Blitz Daz
  13. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO in for this again!!!!! have 2 mates from canberra that are in aswell ( depending on date) Daz
  14. please pm me details about the z32afm
  15. I was , great day!! why that PranK??
  16. Count me in.. havent had a good steak nite in ages!!
  17. So does 6.45am sound alright to you B-Man ??
  18. What sort of time would we have to leave to get there ??
  19. So who is keen on driving out from northern beaches area together?? say meet up at carpark behind forrestville rta/shops?? Daz
  20. Just incase anyone wanted any extra info on the accident... i was travelling home and came past the accident not long after it happened. Also my colleague from work lives on the corner where it happened.. firstly, my colleague knows the man who got hit, and he was known for drinkiing quite alot at that pub. He stumbled out and crossed the road, not realising that the car he saw was travelling quite a bit faster than 60km/h( for obvious reasons) that being said, if the driver was not racing then it would be all over.. but because of the speed involved he now faces a jail for a minimum of 2yrs.. for an accident that could have happened to many young drivers. I doubt very strongly that everyone here can honestly say they have never dragged someone on the street!! Unfortunately things like this happen, and thankfully they open the eyes of a lot of ppl so it doesnt happen that often. 2 people where at fault here and one of them is now dead, the other is now going to have to pay the consequences of his actions. Everyone knows that Skylines are performance cars, and not all of them are owned by people on these forums, nor are they people that respect them and drive them on tracks to use that performance. You have to admit that there are alot of owners out there with big ego's who constantly need to prove themselves and what they have. And with that will come the Media and police attention, but how do you differentiate an enthusiast to a hoon when they drive the same vehicle?? and that applies to all modified cars not just Skylines. Just remember how much bad media attention was brought on the WRX by all the ram raids across the country, not all WRX drivers are ram raiders, dont take it personally!!
  21. I used to live there and go down quite often to visit family... I will be down over Xmas and new years so if you want, pm me and maybe we can catch up.. my brother also hasa black 33 gtr which will be down there aswell.. Daz
  22. Very interested , please send me pm when details are complete. Daz
  23. Oz could you please add Datsunman to the list if spots are still free Daz
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