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Everything posted by blackrex

  1. Great thread guys!
  2. I realised last night whilst watching the Abu Dhabi GP again, that the worse thing with having Homo and Button in the same teams is their fathers, now the BBC will have a camera crew permanently stationed in the McLaren garage, and we'll get to see the reactions of both these tools to any minor happening.
  3. That the one currently down at Meridian Dan?
  4. If they have the correct dimensions and are not damaged, there is no reason why this couldn't be done.
  5. Join SAUVic so that you can get a CAMS license, and then enter into the WRX Club run Motorsport Championship (SAU Vic piggy back off of it) enter a event at Winton as a Driver Trainee and go from there.
  6. Damn, I saw that 911 driving through the city yesterday.
  7. As far as I am aware, they have been for a few years now, I got a fine in Perth in 2000 and the points went against my Vic license.
  8. Your fine if you use a pink straw, but a blue one is dangerous.
  9. Not anymore, the state licensing systems are now all linked together, so getting done in one state automatically applies the points to your license, no matter where you live, unlike the good old days where I had a Vic and WA license, due to having residences in both states, it's amazing how many tickets you could get out of mainly due to the copper not wanting the hassle of ticketing a license from interstate back then.
  10. No testing until next January, money saving remember... Here's some short videos that are found on YouTube bagging out USF1.
  11. Exams will have finished by then, so I'll try and get there!
  12. A couple of the guys that I used to work with run the IT dept. out at Ringwood, so I was wondering if you worked with them (most guys on here seem to be in IT in someway) Do you have to have your car checked everytime you leave the place as well?
  13. 24 car at the moment Roy, minimum in most of the contracts is 14 cars, so 5 more teams can drop out before Bernie has any issues that way, and all he'll do at that stage is enforce the rule regarding to top teams needing to field 3 cars.
  14. Whereabouts in the organisation are you?
  15. Full transcript here.
  16. No, there's only one memory slot in it, so I took the 1Gb out and replaced it with the 2Gb, the 1Gb chip went into another PC that I have.
  17. I got the memory from DigiWorld in Melbourne, it cost $60 for a 2gb Kingston SODIMM6400 (part no. KVR800D2S5/2G) The 1Gb chip from the HP Mini (1001TU) plugged straight into the Acer and worked fine.
  18. How bizarre, I have both of those machines sitting on my desk atm, both will run W7 fine with 1Gb of RAM, however, I have upgraded both of them to 2Gb for $60 (all up, the 1gb module from the Mini plugs in to the 3860) and they run even better.
  19. No issues here with Windows 7 either, I have it running in 64bit on my main desktop and 32bit on my netbook, no issues at all there. With my desktop, I have had AutoCAD Mechanical, EdgeCAM, Itunes, Media Centre, Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop and Illustrator, Word, Outlook and about 1000 tabs in Firefox open at the same time with no issues, and not using more than 50% of system resources (HP Media centre PC, Intel Core2 Duo E6750 @ 2.66GHz, 4Gb RAM) With the quick launch toolbar, they have replaced it with the ability to "pin" applications to the task bar, if you right click on the open program icon on the task bar, it gives you the option to pin it there, once this is done, the application stays there even if it is closed.
  20. My regular GP is one of the CAMS doc's, so I have an easy run when I need to get mine done.
  21. Going by it's profile, it looks like a Mitsubishi Mirage.
  22. :P
  23. Followed RMODE out of Yarra Glen down the Melba this arvo.
  24. But you can also find good deals on trailers on my105. OT: Duncan, is that you with the r35 in the letters section of the latest Motor Magazine?
  25. Yeah, cricket...
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