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Everything posted by SMR33

  1. Dare I say it...I've been eyeing off an Evo 9 for my runaround Took a Mazda 3 MPS out for a bash last weekend...damn those things fly and they are FUN!!! I'll tell you this...it would be very interesting to see it race down the quarter. Max Torque hits at 2500rpm (380Nm) and goes all the way to 5000rpm and there's no turbo lag (no jokes people). Clutch is very bitey...feels like a button in some ways
  2. nice cheap family sedan very nice indeed, the TME ones were really good, but very exxy when brand new
  3. mmmm EVO IX
  4. Where's that thread about "stain removal from skyline seats" when you need it
  5. Damn, thats good sig material right there people
  6. Saw a navy blue R32 yesterday afternoon on my way home (I was on Milton Road) and I waved and the driver waved back Also saw a silver R33 on Sylvan Road (I was still on Milton Road) and got another wave
  7. so 2 more RSVP's then Lee? 20 RSVP's now
  8. You've already been counted in the 18
  9. And another RSVP which makes 18 YAY, a big gathering tonight
  10. hmmm we are trying to keep the price down though...I don't know how expensive shipping/handling from Canada would be
  11. Linh must have taste if she likes us Can't understand why a classy lady like Linh would like you though Ohhh and another 2 RSVP's for dinner, so 17 now :pirate:
  12. Just got RSVP's for 2 more...so 15 now
  13. ARGH Morning!! Its talk like a pirate day....
  14. Keep on topic Col Are you coming for steaks?? So far there are RSVP's from 13 people (this includes a 99% chance of attending from AzzurrA)
  15. See ya Shane and Andy
  16. *yawn* You have no idea what mods I've done to mine, I just don't come in here and tell everyone heh heh heh and at least someone CAN drive mine around...unlike yours which is in pieces so
  17. nah, no point in saying anything...least my car goes
  18. hektik cuz?
  19. who me, bish?? Got about 4 different people/places on the go and no-one cannot produce a sample with the quality we want or with our requirements (ie no-one listens)...hopefully it won't be too much longer, but sooo many places just cannot produce what we have had previously Just check my profile...my email addy is in there
  20. Yeh you're right Gordo...such a shame...I love a good drive
  21. I would but what email addy do you use? and bring back Hootie...she was much hotter than your new bouncy boobie chicky
  22. I have RSVP's for 4 people...catch y'all then Thanks Lee for taking the time to organise the dinner this week
  23. woo pics... SHOWORBAN
  24. Yeh I'd be up for that C'mon...the more the merrier
  25. w00t...when's my test drive? and cruises have been suggested to Byron & Toowoomba before but no-one was interested...I like your ideas though guys...I'm definitely up for a decent road trip
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