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Everything posted by japtaxi

  1. I survived one summer without aircon in car.. not doing that again thats for sure..
  2. just make sure theres radiator fan throud to go with thermo then you should be right .. r32 gtst radiator works well anyway
  3. the current radiator in my pos 32 now is full custom.. the pics on the web are just dummy stuff now
  4. ed how long to go before ur s13 rb get on the road?
  5. bah u should'v turn off/unplug/smash the emergency extension fone it was funny at werk yesterday, idiots rang the oncall just before 12 for spastic email client related.. little do they know no one is in the office and nothing will be done till next yr
  6. not sure yet as I didn't know coolant leaked till few hrs after short drive and saw the wet ground..and then I rather sit in the aircon room than garage.. yeah the 3cyl powah was a bit of impulse buying thing but at least its a little different can't wait to make it a bit faster
  7. yep thats a polite way to say u need a shower
  8. ed dont feel so bad.. at least u don't have coolant pissed out on the ground for no reason just as well I wasnt planning to drive anywhere in the pos
  9. now u will need to provide us pics of fabtech promo girls
  10. might be cheaper if you take the injectors out yourself? on rb26 only 2 bolts holding down the fuel rail, then should be able to get to the injectors quite easy.
  11. they all want to dl xmas pr0n thats the prob..
  12. that IS the standard filing cabinet
  13. ppl already started leaving office here for the yr
  14. hehe which "leg"
  15. pls think of the poor possum :angel:
  16. and everything else are fotochopd? or just super magnified for ur dangling bits
  17. lol its easy to spot fotochop/airbrush trick now days
  18. rofl.. maybe for a few seconds
  19. I'll lend u my 512mb?
  20. mofo, wanna lend it to me for my TAS2005 trip?
  21. jason where do u hide all the pics u been taking with ur 300d?
  22. just checked.. logged in fine.. move spam to trash fine..
  23. I use hotmail to collect spam? :confused:
  24. leave the car outside.. it'll wash itself..
  25. just do a futurerama trick and u'll b the same age after whichever yr u get defrosted..
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