sorry to hijack the thread, but i went for my driver qualification test today.....and failed
your allowed 3 questions wrong in the multiple choice (out of 15 questions) i got 0 wrong
in part 2 (hazard perception test) you have to touch the screen when you would break, overtake, approach corners etc etc
anyways at the end of the exam they give you a print out of what you need to improve on:
* Slowing down to avoid hazards or crashes - i think i know why i got this one wrong, i was following a car abit too close (4 sec gap needed)
* understanding how you should respond to questions in part 2 of test. remember you only need to touch the screen ONCE for each different hazard or safe gap - im so certain i did this !!!
bloody need to go again ! (more $$) hopefully pass this time, first time i ever failed any of my driving tests