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About Sass

  • Birthday 22/06/1981

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  1. Sass

    Deca Helpers

    But it's a Canon!!!
  2. Targa High Country is 5-7 November Scott - the weekend before
  3. No probs Saff, anytime
  4. my photos: http://www.pbase.com/sooty34/sau_drag_day
  5. i wasn't freaked out but it was tricky when they told me to keep starring at the red dot and then when they fold over the flap they just lasered and everything goes dark - i can't see the red dot and spose to be starring at it!! i didn't feel nervous or scared or anything like that, but when they offered my the valium - i said i'll take it!
  6. agreed - me too!
  7. no it doesn't! i think it totally depends on the type you have (Lasik or PRK). Lasik is quick, easy and pain free PRK they laser straight into the eye, so longer healing process and have to wear the contacts or glasses afterwards or whatever. Lasik they laser the top of your eye, so its like a flap and fold it over, then laser your eye, fold the flap back. put on the eye cover things and you walk out of there. sleep with them on, go the next day for your check up and your done. i wore contacts, my eyes were -3.5 in my left eye and -3.25 in my right. they lasered the same amount resulting in me having 20/20 vision in my left eye and better than 20/20 vision in my right eye. how do you have better vision than 20/20? i dunno!
  8. oh, very different to mine - i was awake for the whole thing... and got a video of it!!
  9. Yeah definitely It was fairly pricey back then, not sure what it's all worth now though. I went there because it wasn't one of the places that advertises everywhere and I was referred by my Dr (turned out we knew the surgeon too!)
  10. I had LASIK back in Jan 2006 at NewVision Clinics
  11. Sorry, I thought you knew!
  12. I could have told you that was on!
  13. First page says tomorrow Bec?!
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