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About smurf80

  • Birthday 21/08/1980

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    QLD - Brisbane

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  1. Can you set the record straight please Iron Chef? Im sure with your knowledge you would be able to point out the non correct information in everyones posts. Im going on stuff I have read and seen around the net but if im worng id like to know whats right Cheers
  2. eeiko321 the reason why the R33 GTR released the xenon projector lights was because it was being sold alongside the R34 in 98 which had xenon lights also and it was released in a series 3 GTR not 2. They arnt series 2 34 lights as I have seen many series 1's and 2's with both types of headlights they were just a factory option in Japan when new. The reason why all R34 GTRS have them is because they came standard being the top of the line skyline. They also arnt regulated to NA 34's only as ive seen plenty of series 1 NA and turbo models with both halogen and xenon's. The Halogens seen to pop up more so on the 4 doors but I still have seen 2 door 34 with both types of headlights. I havent been on here for awhile but if you do a search by a user name of funkymonkey he posted up ages ago (I think) the R34 brochure showing all the different type of factory "extras" you could get. Hope this helps. EDIT: Just did a quick search of carsales and found a R34 NA 98 model with the xenon headlights.
  3. The different headlights dont mean series 1 or series 2. The top headlights are the halogen ones and the bottom ones are the xenon headlights. You can get both on series 1 or 2 the xenon ones obviously being a dearer option then the two when purchased new.
  4. I did the revenge ending first too. I think this one was the "true" ending.
  5. I also have had the NTSC version for quite awhile and only just finished the subsapce emissary today. Online prior to today sucked as it was lag central but I jumped on before for a random match and played 3 straight matches lag free.
  6. Well as the title says if you update to the latest wii firmware you will kill the freeloader and the Twilight Princess hack. Heads up to all those who imported Brawl and other games to not update there wii if they wish to continue playing it. I guess for the moment the update wont appear on any games but no doubt in future we will all be forced to update killing the freeloader. Seems funny how this happens one week before Brawl hits Aus shores huh. As far as I know this doesnt effect people with Wiikeys only using the Freeloader.
  7. I wouldnt be taking those posts on that forum as gospel....alot of fanboyism crap if yopu asked me. Just browsing through some of the comments and some guy was going on about metal gear solid 4 coming to 360 and raving on about DVD9 discs like there new. Take that website and IGN with a grain of salt and make your own opinion.....
  8. It runs in 1080p on my TV.......
  9. Im playing it right now, just went on my first date with michelle to the bowling alley. I ended up canceling my standard edition preorder and picked it up at JB for $84 instead of $120 like what EB were charging. They had heaps of copies so I dont really know what the fuss was on preordering..... But awesome game, so far im only 3% into it and ive been playing for an hour and a bit taking my time with this game. Ill give multiplayer a go later but so far im just enjoying the sights and sounds of the new Liberty City
  10. Ill be getting it this afternoon cant wait to play it tonight before I pick up GTA4 tomorrow. Id probably say my fav games online for the wii are Guitar Hero 3, Super Smash Brothers Brawl and im guessing after tonight Mario Kart.
  11. How did you get that early?
  12. I know what you mean I downloaded the beta and update easily but trying to get that damn Konami ID was a pain I was so close to giving up when it finalyl got through. Well lets just hope they get the servers fixed and us PAL users can get some value out of all this mess that has happened with this game.
  13. I know what you mean. I went to have a quick game of warhawk the other day only to be met with "downloading update" I actually am starting to prefer my ps3 when I was offline as I think having to download all this cr@p to play games online all the time is starting to wear thin. Also to comment I have signed up and downloaded everything and the reason we cant connect to the servers is due to high demand. they have apparently shut off the europe beta untill they stabilise the servers. I have heard a rumor that the beta might restart for us PAL users on the 25th and extend past the initial closing date. Heres hoping as I didnt spend all that time downloading this stuff for nothing.....
  14. Well I have ordered a freeloader and Brawl so I hope it works I got mine in september last year and no idea what number it is.....
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