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Everything posted by smurf80

  1. I spent about $120 on a HDMI cable and the games look awesome some running in 1080. What dont you like about Resistance? I have finished it on easy but loved the story line and gameplay was amazing. My games are Resistance Motorstorm - good Ridge Racer 7 FEAR GTA5 most probably wont be out till next year. Grand theft Auto 4 comes out in october and that looks to be something special.
  2. hahaha priceless
  3. Another quality thread from Spunky Monkey you seriously are becoming the new AnDru around here! Mate how can you be broke with all that extra cash you made off the sale of your house?
  4. I loved my snes and wished it never died on me I could play super mario world over and over again.
  5. I guess time will tell for both on which was had the better idea to add everything in one setup (ps3) or add some many varients and add ons (xbox360) I think all Sony need to do is make the price a little more attractive and start releasing some big name titles.
  6. The difference in capacity between HD DVD and Blu- ray is 15GB to 25GB respectively. Does anyone know if the HD DVD add on for the 360 could play HD DVD games or is it primarily a movie only option?
  7. You have to remember though blu-ray isnt just there to play movies it allows for a much bigger storage medium than dvd for games as well.
  8. Only suggestion I can give you is a SAFC. It will help clean up your air fuel ratios (if any) Maybe a Greedy emanage???? Not much out there in the way of aftermarket ecus for NA's.
  9. I think we have lost the plot on what the topic is about. THe thread starter asked which car is better or would you choose not a lecture on why he shouldnt drive either, please try and remember that.
  10. Nah I wasnt implying that as I contributed to the thread from spunky monkey defending NA skylines as I do like them alot but I guess the comment was more of a personal experience from me as going from one to the other, but if I decided to put the money into this one as I did the other it would be better. Sounds like you have done some decent work to your car and would be interested to see your dyno results when you get them please? or perhaps a few pics as I love looking at how other people have styled there R34's
  11. After coming from a turbo 33 to a non turbo 34 I wouldnt call non turbo skylines a performance car but each to there own I guess......
  12. Sorry I meant is it a flop in Australia...I have read about the drama around launch dates in America etc and it seemed to be doing well but I was just curious to see how it was fairing here, hence the reason I said it had only been out for two months as I was referring to here.
  13. Since you guys are in the industry, this being more of a gaming question though what exclusive releases will Sony have besides the new Gran Turismo game? I know GTA4 Final Fantasy seem to be system shared now are great new titles sony only? Im just worried it will go the way of the dreamcast.
  14. Hey Guys I just bought a PS3 a week ago and love it to bits but Ive just been doing some reading around on the internet and alot of articles are calling it a flop due to no exclusive releases and the cancelation of the "emotion engine" PS2 chip and replacing it with software emulation. My question is is it going to be able to compete with the wii and Xbox360? I know it has only been on sale for 2 months or so but will it pick up and be a runaway success like the previous models?
  15. im playing resistance fall of man at the moment. Hanging out paitently for GTA4 though....
  16. Hahaha dont hold your breath Rezz.
  17. I got mine yesterday and it was worth the wait. I also got a HDTV as well cause my old TV was crap and Resistance is one of the best games I have played. I got ridge racer 7 and Motorman as well. Dont know what the others are like as I cant stop playing resistance.
  18. Spunky Monkey you are starting to impress me with your posts and topics as much as anDru did. Keep up the good work!
  19. I had the same problem mate. Mine did get better over time though as it seemed to happen less and less. I had the old style HKS Sequential BOV and I just tightened the screw up more and it seemed to go away. Maybe give that a go?
  20. Its most probably coils mate as every nissan owner goes through. (seems to happen in R34's more though) The mechanic doesnt know shite and sounds dodgy to me with his solution to your problem. READ- Never go there again! Take it to another mechanic get them to read the error code your car is coming up with and fix the problem. If its making all the same symptoms as been stated here its almost 100% coilpacks. $650 later and your new splitfires will have solved the problem.
  21. Series 2 R33 turbo's have the nylon compressor wheel as well.
  22. They do the job for there intended purpose. I had one and never had any problems with it. Although it depends on what your doing to your car. For light mods and I had no intention of changing the turbo a SAFC was fine. But if your wanting to go further down the mod path then that a replacement ECU is essential.
  23. It has A-LSD and SLIP lights in the tacho. If you dont have them you dont have active LSD
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